AGPT registrar training handbook

Training program requirements

Rural training stream

        1. Rural training stream

Last revised: 19 Dec 2024

Rural training stream

Registrars with the rural stream do all training in non-metropolitan areas – regional, rural and remote areas which are classified as Modified Monash Model (MMM) 2–7. You’re expected to live in the rural community where you work. 

Overseas doctors (international medical graduates and foreign graduates of an accredited medical school) who are subject to section 19AB of the Health Insurance Act 1973 must train on the rural stream in MM 2–7 areas and aren’t eligible for the general stream.

The Modified Monash Model (MMM) defines whether a location is a city, rural, remote or very remote. MM 1 is a major city and MM 7 is very remote. For more information refer to the Department of Health website.
