AGPT registrar training handbook

Your AGPT program

Introduction to general practice

      1. Introduction to general practice

Last revised: 19 Dec 2024

Introduction to general practice  

The AGPT is funded by the Australian Government and offers an apprenticeship model of training over three to four years.  

The RACGP AGPT is a comprehensive education program grounded in the RACGP educational framework and its three guiding educational instruments:  

  • The RACGP Curriculum and syllabus for Australian general practice provides the scope of educational content (42 individual units) to be learnt throughout the AGPT program and details the educational competencies and learning outcomes. It’s an indispensable tool for registrars and their training program team. 

  • The Progressive capability profile of the general practitioner is a public statement of the RACGP’s view of the capabilities of an Australian GP from entry to general practice training through to post-Fellowship. By defining the capabilities and competencies required at four milestones of general practice training, it is a benchmark for professional practice. 

  • Our education policies and standards aim to ensure high-quality, effective education and safe clinical practice in workplace training. 

The AGPT program comprises hospital training, general practice placements (GPT1, 2 and 3) and extended or additional skills training.  

As a registrar, you’ll experience working in a variety of settings, including hospitals, general practice and other accredited facilities. The RACGP is responsible for setting the standards and accrediting these sites for delivery of training.

There are two training streams available, subject to your eligibility. You may train:

  • mainly in or near a city with the general stream, or
  • mainly in rural or regional areas with the rural stream.

Refer to the section on Training location – requirements for more information on training steams.
Refer to the section on Training terms for more information about the components of training.  
