Accreditation of the RACGP training programs and CPD Home

Page last updated 18 October 2024

The RACGP is accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) on behalf of the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) to deliver specialist medical education and training leading to the Fellowship of the RACGP and continuing professional development (CPD) for registered general practitioners.


The AMC is an independent national standards body for medical education and training whose purpose is to ensure that the standards of education, training and assessment of the medical profession promote and protect the health of the Australian community.

The RACGP Fellowship training programs and the RACGP CPD Home are currently accredited under the National Health Law until 31 March 2025. To maintain this accreditation, the RACGP submits annual progress reports and will undergo a full reaccreditation assessment of its training programs and CPD Home in 2024.

Medical specialist college reaccreditation cycle

The AMC notified the RACGP of its  accreditation assessment in 2024, as part of its routine  accreditation cycle of specialist medical college training and education. The RACGP  submitted a formal written evidence document in May 2024 for AMC representatives to review. Stakeholder consultation, site visits, exam observations and meetings with key RACGP representatives took  take place in August 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Australian Medical Council (AMC) is an independent national standards body for medical education and training. The AMC is the delegate of the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) and is responsible for accrediting all training programs for medical practitioners, including Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

All medical specialist colleges undergo accreditation and reaccreditation on a regular basis. This is a requirement under National Health Practitioner Regulation Law. The RACGP will undergo reaccreditation in 2024 as the training programs and CPD home are currently accredited to 31 March 2025.

Health practitioner training programs must be accredited by law. Failure to have an accredited training program means that we cannot train GPs and therefore the RACGP would no longer be legally recognised as a specialist medical training college. That is why this is a significant event for the RACGP.

The AMC, after their initial accreditation of a college training program will visit on a regular basis as part of maintaining the accreditation. Depending on the results of an initial accreditation, it may be up to 10 years before a major reaccreditation visit occurs.

The last major AMC reaccreditation visit to the RACGP was in 2013. The RACGP is required to submit a monitoring report every 12 months. This report details various aspects of the training program and responds to any conditions or concerns that the AMC have.

The AMC has developed standards for specialist medical programs and criteria for accreditation of CPD homes. These along with the procedures for accreditation can be found on the AMC website.

The RACGP training standards apply to RACGP training programs, whereas the AMC standards apply to all medical colleges. The AMC standards cover many aspects of the college and its programs that do not need to be a part of the RACGP training standards. Some of these include examinations, governance, evaluation processes, policies, and training data.

The RACGP training standards are constructed in a way that embeds the AMC standards. This ensures that when training programs follow the RACGP training standards, the training program will also automatically meet the relevant AMC standards. The RACGP training standards therefore ensure that GP training programs meets its obligations and responsibilities to patients, the broader Australian community, government as well as the AMC and MBA.

The RACGP is required to submit an application for reaccreditation, demonstrating that the RACGP training programs and CPD Home meet the appropriate standards. The report is due in May 2024.

The AMC assembles an accreditation team and conducts stakeholder consultation and surveys in April. They will also provide a preliminary assessment of the programs based on the reaccreditation submission and may request further information.

The AMC will then conduct site visits between 7–16th August 2024. Some of these will be onsite, in-person, and some via videoconference at various sites. This will include meeting with key training program leadership staff, committee members, medical educators, supervisors and registrars. In the week of 19th–23rd August 2024, the AMC accreditation team will visit the National office to meet with RACGP office bearers, education and training committees, and GPs in training.

On completion of the visits, the AMC presents a report and recommendations to the Medical Board.

The RACGP receives an outcome of the assessment in January 2025.

The outcomes of accreditation include:
  • Full accreditation for a maximum of 10 years.
  • Accreditation with conditions and/or recommendations.
    • A condition is something that the RACGP must do within an agreed period to maintain accreditation.
    • A recommendation is something that the RACGP should do to maintain accreditation. These need to be addressed in future reports or specific time frames.
  • Failure to achieve accreditation. This is serious, but rare.

You can contact the dedicated RACGP AMC project team on, or access more resources via the RACGP Australian Medical Council reaccreditation 2024 Pulse page. The AMC has a series of excellent information videos covering the accreditation stages on their website. These are recommended for anyone who is involved in the reaccreditation process.


