AGPT registrar training handbook

Training placements

Clinical supervision

      1. Clinical supervision

Last revised: 19 Dec 2024

Clinical supervision

Supervision during general practice training

General practice training in Australia follows an apprenticeship model: you'll work as a GP, seeing your own patients under the supervision of an experienced GP. Clinical experience is a powerful teacher, and your learning will be supplemented and consolidated with in-practice teaching (both formal and informal), teaching visits from MEs, assessments, attendance at educational workshops with your peers and private study.

Your designated supervisor provides clinical guidance and support during your placement. They’re also responsible for in-practice teaching and contributing to the assessment of your clinical competence. We’ll ensure you’re provided with the appropriate level of supervision throughout your general practice training. The level of supervision is tailored to you so you can access immediate and sufficient support whenever you need it.

At the beginning of each placement, your designated supervisor will discuss your clinical supervision plan for the training term with you. This describes how the practice intends to provide safe supervision, and includes when to call for help, who to call for help and how to call for help. The details of your clinical supervision plan are based on your individual skills and needs, and the placement you’re working in. You’ll review this with your supervisor regularly throughout your placement.

Supervision during your extended skills term

The level of supervision you receive during your extended skills term will depend on your existing skills and competency, and the structures within the training site. You’ll still train under the supervision of an experienced medical practitioner in your chosen area. They’ll provide you with a similar level of support and education to that in GPT1, 2 or 3, whichever is relevant.

Remote supervision

In some situations, a remote supervision model may be in place if a training site has limited or no regular access to an onsite supervisor. This arrangement will be flexible and unique to each post and if you're in a training site where remote supervision is being delivered, we'll work closely with you and the training site to ensure you’re well supported.
