AGPT registrar training handbook

Registrar safety and support

Support for your wellbeing

        1. Support for your wellbeing

Last revised: 19 Dec 2024

Support for your wellbeing

Connect with your training team

Your wellbeing is a key focus of your RACGP training team. Make sure you reach out to them for advice and support during your training journey.

Connect with your peers

Your peers can be a valuable source of support during your training because they'll be going through similar experiences and challenges.  Having a support network is an important part of your self care. 

Out-of-practice workshops are a great place to meet other registrars, develop friendships and find a registrar study group.

The GP Support Program

The RACGP is committed to fostering a culture of self care amongst GPs. See the RACGP GP wellbeing webpage for self-care resources and support services. The GP Support Program is a free service available to all RACGP members. 

You can access professional advice to help cope with personal and work-related issues that can impact on your wellbeing, workplace morale, performance and safety, and psychological health. For more information, refer to the GP Support Program.

General Practice Registrars Australia

General Practice Registrars Australia (GPRA) also offers wellbeing advice. GPRA is an independent organisation protecting the rights of general practice trainees; membership is free. 

Indigenous General Practice Registrars Network

Indigenous General Practice Registrars Network (IGPRN) is an advocacy network for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander GPs in training that provides professional, educational, cultural and exam preparation support that is led by peers. Each year, in addition to offering online learning and networking opportunities, IGPRN runs two national workshops and all Indigenous GPs in training are invited to attend. Indigenous GP Fellows are engaged to provide support, education and mentorship. IGPRN members support each other by sharing their experiences and knowledge.

The support of Indigenous peers during general practice training makes a significant and positive impact on the whole training experience. For more information and to become a member, see the information on the RACGP website about IGPRN or visit the IGPRN website.

Australian Indigenous Doctors Association

The Australian Indigenous Doctors Association (AIDA) offers networking and professional development opportunities. It also provides mentoring which allows members to support and guide each other academically and culturally through their medical studies and careers as Indigenous medical doctors. For more information and to become a member, visit the AIDA website.


DRS4DRS is an independent program providing confidential support and resources to doctors and medical students across Australia, including helping you find your own GP and providing coordinated access to mental health and wellbeing resources, training on becoming a doctor for doctors, community news and navigation to state and territory helplines and referral services. Confidential phone advice is available 24 hours a day for any doctor or medical student in Australia. 

CRANAplus Bush Support Services

CRANAplus Bush Support Services provides a free and confidential telephone counselling service for rural and remote health practitioners and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The service is staffed by psychologists, including two Aboriginal psychologists. CRANAplus membership isn't required to access the service. More information about support available can be found on the CRANAplus website or phone 1800 805 391.
