AGPT registrar training handbook

Let’s get you started

Your program team

      1. Your program team

Last revised: 16 Feb 2024

Your program team

You’ll be allocated a training coordinator (TC) and medical educator (ME). These key members of your program team will be with you throughout your training journey and will help you with any queries you may have.

Your training coordinator will be able to help you with training-related queries, such as administrative tasks and requirements for training progression, but not clinical matters.

Your ME is an experienced GP with educational and practical knowledge in the general practice environment. They will mentor, guide and support you in your education and learning. Your ME will be able to help you with training advice and guidance as well as more clinically-focused queries, such as details of the RACGP Curriculum and syllabus, and experience working as a GP.

Most MEs work part time as they also work in general practice. If you need urgent assistance from an ME and yours isn’t available, please contact your training coordinator who will put you in touch with an available ME.

Your program team may change if you transfer regions or practices.

Your local training coordinator and medical educator should now be listed in your profile in the Training Management System (TMS).
