Infection prevention and control guidelines (PDF 168 KB) Frequently asked questions regarding the RACGP Infection prevention and control guidelines.
Managing high-risk results outside normal opening hours (PDF 270 KB) The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners(RACGP) Standards for general practices (5th edition)(the Standards) requires general practices to manage patients’ high-risk results outside normal opening hours.
Interpretive guide for the accreditation of general practices under the new definition of a general practice for the purpose of accreditation (PDF 406 KB) This guide interprets aspects of the Standards in the context of assessment under the new definition of a general practice for the purpose of accreditation.
Definition of a clinical team for the purpose of accreditation (PDF 573 KB) Supplementary information to support the interpretation of Indicator GP3.1►A
Changes to the RACGP Standards for general practices (5th edition) (PDF 355 KB) Changes to the RACGP Standards for general practices (5th edition) as of February 2023.
Changes to the RACGP Standards (PDF) Changes to the RACGP Standards for general practices (5th edition) as of April 2021
Patient feedback – required demographics and themes for collection (PDF 1.1 MB) Supplementary information to support the interpretation of Criterion QI1.2
Information sheet: Informed patient decisions (PDF 612 KB) Additional information and guidance regarding informed patient decisions and the consent process in the general practice setting.
Collecting and recording information about patient sex, gender, variations of sex characteristics and sexual orientation (PDF 605 KB) A supplement to Criterion C7.1 – ‘Content of patient health records’ that contains additional explanatory material to support general practices collecting, recording and using information about a patient appropriately.
The use of chaperones and observers in general practice (PDF 673 KB) Detail and clarification around the use of chaperones and observers in general practice.
Height-adjustable beds (PDF 565 KB) The RACGP Standards for general practices (5th edition) (the Standards) requires practices to have at least one height-adjustable bed in their practice.
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