AGPT registrar training handbook

Training program requirements

Out-of-practice education

        1. Out-of-practice education

Last revised: 19 Dec 2024

Out-of-practice education

In addition to your in-practice education, you’ll participate in 125 hours of out-of-practice education to supplement your training in the workplace. These 125 hours will include orientation days, larger workshops, and peer-led small group learning sessions. In addition, there are online modules and exam preparation sessions and although these are optional, they're an important part of your learning and progression.

Regional workshops

Regional workshops bring registrars together from around your region for group learning. They're run by your RACGP regional team who will determine the format and topics based on the group’s learning needs. There’ll also be the opportunity to socialise and connect with your peers.

Some regional workshops are mandatory and others are optional. They'll usually be run in a face-to-face format so you'll be expected to travel to these. We recommend you make the most of these learning opportunities and attend as many as possible.

Peer learning groups

You’ll also attend a local peer learning group run by a local ME. In these small groups you’ll work with your peers and the ME(s) on topics from the RACGP Curriculum and syllabus. These sessions will be semi-structured and tailored to the learning needs of the group.

Participation in your peer learning group is mandatory throughout your general practice training terms.

Self-directed learning

During the AGPT program you’ll have access to a suite of online learning resources. This includes learning strategies, case consultation examples and the RACGP Curriculum and syllabus. You’ll also have access to the gplearning online modules.

Some online learning modules will be mandatory to complete and others optional. You’ll need to complete some of  these optional modules to ensure you cover the RACGP Curriculum and syllabus and your training plan.

Exam preparation

We provide training and support for your Fellowship exams preparation, including regional workshops, webinars, tutorials, peer study groups and mock exams. Your TC and ME will provide you with the options available in your area as you progress to the exams.

Attendance requirements

You’ll need to attend a minimum of 125 hours of workshops and peer-led small group learning sessions throughout GPT1, GPT2 and GPT3. 

Every regional RACGP team will deliver an out-of-practice registrar education program that's mandatory for you to attend. 

Table 2. An example of how a region may deliver an out-of-practice education program (workshop and learning session combinations may vary).

General Practice Term

Out-of-practice registrar education program

Educational hours registrars attend per term (approx.)


Larger workshops


Local peer small learning groups


2–3 full day workshops

Multiple small group sessions in half or full days

54 hours


2–3 full day workshops

Multiple small group sessions in half or full days

48 hours


One full-day workshop

Multiple small group sessions in half or full days

24 hours

As a guide, GPT1 registrars will attend approximately 54 hours of education, GPT2 registrars will attend 48 hours of education and GPT3 registrars will attend 24 hours of education in their regionally delivered out-or-practice program.

These activities will cover a range of topics, such as:

  • Orientation to the AGPT program for GPT1 registrars
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural and health education, including cultural safety training.
  • Mental Health Skills Training – level 1 (MHST)
  • general practice procedures.

For more information refer to the Education calendar.

Your regional RACGP team will also determine some additional mandatory topics for your area. Your TC and ME will give you more information on this during your orientation.

If you’re a part-time registrar, you’re expected, where possible, to complete your out-of-practice education, including attending activities, in a full-time capacity. 

Your TC will let you know the dates of any mandatory out-of-practice learning activities for your region. It's your responsibility to communicate with your training site to ensure you can attend.

If you miss a compulsory educational activity, you’ll need to discuss with your ME how you'll make up for the missed learning opportunity.
