The following general practice policy and procedure templates will assist general practices to meet their professional and legislative obligations when providing clinical care, whilst also supporting day to day business activities.
These templates can also assist practices to meet and maintain accreditation in accordance with the RACGP Standards for general practices (5th edition). Please note the templates should be viewed as a general guide only and practices must implement their own judgement and skill in creating documents and policies which suit their individual practice. It is recommended practices seek professional advice where necessary for their own particular circumstances.
If you have a recommendation or suggestion for a template, please email the Practice Technology and Management team at
Closing a medical practice checklist Employment contract checklist Privacy policy template for general practice Generic practice policy template Proforma letter to discontinue care Service agreement template
Practice e-waste recycling policy template Social media policy template ePIP requirement - Agreement to access the My Health Record template for general practices ePIP requirement - Secure messaging capability template ePIP requirement - Data Records and Coding Policy template for general practice ePIP requirement - Electronic transfer of prescriptions policy template Internet and email use policy template Confidentiality agreement for practice teams and external service providers
MBS online tool
Infection prevention and control - Staff task competency records template Infection prevention and control - Staff immunisations record template Patient feedback survey template Patient feedback - Data entry and reporting spreadsheet Inviting and instructing patients to participate in a questionnaire letter template Sample letter to share patient feedback findings with patients Sample letter to inform patients about changes to the practice
Referring to medical consultants - Types of referrals and suggested wording template Letter to discontinue care of a patient template Practice policy template for repeat prescriptions Opioid reduction policy template Approach to drug-seeking patients policy template Continuation of opioid management plans for new patients originating from external health care providers Handover of patients in medium- and high-complexity groups with regard to drugs of dependence policy template Restriction of prescribing rights for drugs of dependence practice policy template Opioid prescribing for patients practice policy template Implanon NXT checklist and consent form Prescription agreement for a trial of longer term benzodiazepine treatment Drugs of dependence therapy agreement template Letter template to request additional patient information from referring agencies One-year review of opioid prescribing template Opioid dosing threshold policy template Quality management of drugs of dependence checklist Risk assessment for patients with complex needs relating to drugs and alcohol policy template Template letter to patients regarding benzodiazepine reduction Template letter to CAM practitioners