A guide for GPs to support their patients accessing the NDIS

General practitioners (GPs) are often involved in assisting patients who have applied to become a National Disability Scheme (NDIS) participant.
As part of the application process, patients must request access by contacting the NDIS. To support their patients’ request for access, GPs may be asked to provide evidence of a patient’s disability and its functional impact by completing the relevant section of an Access Request form.
This guide outlines the process for completing an Access Request form. It also includes information regarding how GPs can access further resources through the National Disability Insurance Agency which can assist them in supporting their patients in the application process.
Please note this resource was published in July 2019. The RACGP and the NDIA have more recently co-designed resources to help GPs support their patients to access the NDIS. A dedicated GP and health professionals page is now available on the NDIS website, including responses to GPs’ most frequently asked questions and links to important information about the scheme and access process. Click here for more information.
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