Health records - templates

Page last updated 27 March 2023

The record keeping system of choice

For over 30 years, the RACGP health records has been the record keeping system of choice for many thousands of GPs, and the system has assisted them to meet minimum standards for successful practice accreditation.

While practices are transitioning across to electronic records, the College is still able to meet practices' needs for paper based records.

Health records catalogue

Select each name to see a sample image of the item.

All RACGP health records and images and material contained therein are copyright to The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. All rights reserved.


Health record folder

Use health record folders for easy patient record keeping.

Health summary

This updated health summary contains fields for allergy, current past medical history, current medications, and lifestyle risks. It is compliant with the RACGP Standards for general practices.

Consultation notes

This updated form (previously known as progress notes) contains fields for subjective and objective findings assessment and plan, and diagnostic plus therapeutic information and planned date for review. It is compliant with the RACGP Standards for general practices.

Reports summary

This blank page can be used to collate pathology and ECG strips.

Body chart

The body chart is helpful in correctly identifying the location and extent of injuries or lesions.

Information card and sheet

Assists in managing patient details.

Colour code sticker

Assists in identifying patient records.

This sample shows the colour range for Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

This sample shows the colour range for New South Wales and Queensland.

Request for consultation (A5)

Use to refer patients to another doctor.

Medical certificate pad

Certify your patients unfit for work or school using these medical certificates.

New patient registration form

To be filled out by patients, the new patient registration form provides all fields required to register a new patient, eg. allergy, medications, emergency contact details. This form is compliant with RACGP Standards for general practices.

Order publications

Health records order form (PDF)

