AGPT registrar training handbook

Your AGPT program


      1. Acronyms

Last revised: 16 Feb 2024


ACEM Australasian College for Emergency Medicine
ACRRM Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine
ADF Australian Defence Force
AGPT Australian General Practice Training program
AHPRA Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
AIDA Australian Indigenous Doctors Association
AJGP Australian Journal of General Practice
AKT Applied Knowledge Test
ALS advanced life support
AMA Australian Medical Association
AMC Australian Medical Council
AMG Australian medical graduate
ARST additional rural skills training
BLS basic life support
CBD case-based discussion
CCA clinical case analysis
CCE Clinical Competency Exam
CPD continuing professional development
EASL early assessment for safety and learning
ECTV external clinical teaching visit
EMT emergency medicine training
FACRRM Fellowship of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine
FAQ frequently asked question
FARGP Fellowship in Advanced Rural General Practice
FGAMS foreign graduate of an accredited medical school
FLI focused learning intervention
FRACGP Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
FRACGP-RG RACGP Rural Generalist Fellowship
FSP Fellowship Support Program
FTE full-time equivalent
GP general practitioner
GPRA General Practice Registrars Australia
GPSA General Practice Supervision Australia
GPT1, GPT2, GPT3 general practice terms
IGPRN Indigenous General Practice Registrars Network
JMO junior medical officer
KFP Key Feature Problem exam
MDO medical defence organisation
ME medical educator
MEMQ modified extended matching question
Mini–CEX mini-clinical evaluation exercise
MMM Modified Monash Model
MSF multi-source feedback
NTCER National Terms and Conditions for the Employment of Registrars
PGY postgraduate year
PRC progression review committee
RACGP Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
RCA random case analysis
ROM regional operations manager
RDOT regional director of training
RLO registrar liaison officer
RPLE recognition of prior learning and experience
RVTS Remote Vocational Training Scheme
SBA single best answer
STE special training environment
TC training coordinator
TLC training location commitment
TMS Training Management System
