AGPT registrar training handbook

Let’s get you started

What is RPLE?

        1. What is RPLE?

Last revised: 19 Dec 2024

Recognition of prior learning and experience

What is RPLE?

Recognition of prior learning and experience (RPLE) is the process of determining whether your prior hospital training and experience meets some of the education and training requirements of the AGPT program. Where RPLE is granted, it can reduce your time on the program.

RPLE is available as credit towards the following components of the AGPT program:

  • Hospital training term
  • Extended skills training term.

RPLE can’t be used as credit towards general practice terms (ie GPT1, 2 and 3).


Even if you're eligible for RPLE, you still have the option to start AGPT in the Hospital Training Term if you wish to gain more hospital experience prior to commencing in GPT1.

When assessing applications for RPLE, the RACGP will consider whether your hospital training and experience was relevant to general practice, showed variety and breadth across components of the RACGP Curriculum and syllabus, and was completed successfully.
