AGPT registrar training handbook

Training program requirements

General practice training

        1. General practice training

Last revised: 19 Dec 2024

General practice training

General practice placements begin in the second year of training (GPT1). You must complete three general practice training terms (18 months FTE) as part of your core vocational training requirements. Generally, placement is for at least one term, and up to two terms (26–52 calendar weeks).

During GPT1, 2, 3 and your extended skills training term, we expect you to have exposure to 

  • two different supervisors 
  • two different business models
  • diverse patient populations

This will prepare you for working across the breadth of Australian general practice. In most cases, these requirements for diversity of practice can be achieved by training in more than one practice. For more information, refer to the section on Training placements - Practice diversity.

Full-time training is defined as at least 38 hours over a minimum of four days per week. A minimum of 27 hours must be in face-to-face, rostered, patient consultation time undertaking general practice activities. Work periods of less than three consecutive hours, or of less than four calendar weeks in any one practice won't be considered. Hours worked beyond this fulltime definition won't be considered.

Part-time training is defined as at least 14.5 hours over a minimum of two days per week, of which at least 10.5 hours is face-to-face, rostered, patient consultation time, undertaking general practice activities. Work periods of less than three consecutive hours, or of less than four calendar weeks in any one practice won't be considered.

ADF registrars’ general practice training

As an ADF registrar we recognise that you have a unique training experience and need to complete your training program and the requirements for Fellowship while also fulfilling your ADF duties. The ADF Guide explains the specifics of general practice terms for ADF registrars.

ADF guide

Check out the ADF Guide for more information

