AGPT registrar training handbook

Let’s get you started

When and how do I apply for RPLE?

        1. When and how do I apply for RPLE?

Last revised: 19 Dec 2024

When and how do I apply for RPLE?

Your TC and ME will discuss if you’re eligible to apply for RPLE at your induction meeting and then your TC will provide you with the full RPLE application kit to complete and submit during GPT1. Refer to the RPLE Registrar Guide for more information. Applying for RPLE can be complex and lengthy, so we recommend you start the process as early as possible. 

  1. Firstly, we’ll help you identify whether you're eligible for RPLE: during your induction into the program, you'll be asked to provide evidence of prior hospital experience. Your TC/ME will then schedule an Induction Training Advice meeting with you during which they’ll review your evidence and determine if you're eligible for RPLE.

  2. If you're eligible for RPLE, we'll let you know which supplementary information and evidence you need to provide in your RPLE application. See the section on What do I need to include in my application for more information.

  3. Your application will be reviewed by the RACGP training team first, and then by a senior ME (or equivalent). You'll receive feedback during these reviews and will be able to make changes to your application. We strongly recommend that you submit your application to your TC/ME within the first 17 weeks of starting GPT1 so you have enough time to act on any feedback received.

  4. Once your application is complete, your RACGP training team will formally submit it to the State/Territory censor for approval. You won’t be able to change it after that point. 


Applying for RPLE is a separate process from the assessment of general practice term readiness. 

  1. Before you can start in GPT1, you must meet the requirements for the assessment of general practice term readiness.
  2. You submit your RPLE application during GPT1.  
