Provider handbook

Appendix 4: A guide to writing learning outcomes

Learning outcomes

      1. Learning outcomes

Last revised: 01 Dec 2023

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are crucial to the design of CPD activities. The following terms are used in this appendix: 

  • aim – a broad statement of what the activity is trying to achieve; it summarises the overall intent of the activity 
  • learning outcome – a specific statement describing what skills and abilities the participant will develop in a measurable way as a result of undertaking the activity. 

Learning outcomes refer to behaviours and describe what participants will be able to do as a result of engaging in the learning activity. These behaviours can include demonstration of knowledge, skills, use of systems, or any combination of these. 

Learning outcomes are based on the needs assessment, guided by the general practitioner (GP) on the planning committee. Outcomes influence the activity content and delivery, evaluation process and content of any predisposing and reinforcing activities. 

Figure A3.1. Four inputs into writing learning outcomes
