Provider handbook

Appendix 2: Key roles and responsibilities for developing CPD activities

The CPD Provider

      1. The CPD Provider

Last revised: 01 Dec 2023

The CPD Provider

The CPD Representative 

The role of the CPD Representative is pivotal to ensuring activities are relevant to GPs and are of an appropriate standard and quality. The CPD Representative can develop, promote, deliver and evaluate activities for GPs, and is responsible for managing the administrative requirements of RACGP CPD approved activities. A CPD Representative must also hold a current CPD Representative number and undertake initial CPD Representative training. 
For the development and planning of CPD approved activities, a CPD Representative may need to seek additional support/expertise from other education or medical practitioners. 

The GP 

Involvement of a GP is integral to ensuring activities are relevant to general practice. GPs can be involved at many levels, including as:

  • a consultant on the needs assessment
  • an educator
  • a member of a group or committee responsible for developing the activity
  • a CPD Representative
  • a facilitator.
