Provider support services
Each provider is designated a CPD Program Coordinator who acts as a dedicated relationship manager and provides advice, support and information about RACGP resources and services.
The CPD Program Coordinator’s role is to support, assist, advise and guide CPD Providers and CPD Representatives. The amount of time available varies upon requirement and workloads, but generally each provider will receive up to six hours of support each year.
RACGP CPD administrators are also available to provide advice and support on operational issues and CPD Provider/CPD Representative administration requirements.
Ongoing quality assurance and review of activities must occur and the CPD Representative must maintain RACGP Activity Standards throughout the contract period to maintain their qualification.
RACGP state and territory offices
Each RACGP office has CPD Program staff available.
100 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne, Vic 3002
Phone: 03 8699 0396 | Fax: 03 8699 0560 | Email:
South Australia and Northern Territory
15 Gover Street, North Adelaide, SA 5006
Phone: 08 8267 8310 | Fax: 08 8267 8319 | Email:
Level 7, 410 Queen Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000
Phone: 07 3456 8944 | Fax: 07 3391 7009 | Email:
Western Australia
PO Box 1065, West Leederville, WA 6901
Phone: 08 9489 9555 | Fax: 08 9489 9544 | Email:
New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory
PO Box 534, North Sydney, NSW 2060
Phone: 02 9886 4700 | Fax: 02 9886 4791 | Email:
62 Patrick Street, Hobart, Tas 7000
Phone: 03 6212 5888 | Fax: 03 6234 2200 | Email: