Provider handbook

Appendix 1: RACGP CPD Standards

Standard 1: CPD activities are based on identified needs relevant to Australian general practice

        1. Standard 1: CPD activities are based on identified needs relevant to Australian general practice

Last revised: 01 Dec 2023

Standard 1: CPD activities are based on identified needs relevant to Australian general practice

Criterion 1.1 The needs assessment process involves a specialist GP (or GPs)

Indicators for meeting this criterion 

The CPD representative (formerly Education Activity Representative or EAR) must provide information on how GPs were involved in the needs assessment process. For example, the GP/s: 

  • conducted the needs assessment using RACGP publications and other evidence-based references as a source for assessing needs
  • reviewed the needs assessment and confirmed its relevance to general practice. 

Criterion 1.2 A comprehensive evidence-based needs assessment informs the activity and is relevant to the 2022 RACGP curriculum and syllabus for Australian general practice and the MBA CPD Registration Standard

Indicators for meeting this criterion 

The CPD representative must provide references to information used in developing a needs assessment, including:

  • the 2022 RACGP curriculum and syllabus for Australian general practice 
  • MBA CPD Registration Standards

The CPD representative could also use data from other current, reliable and reputable evidence-based sources.

Criterion 1.3 The activity supports safe and responsible practice

Indicators for meeting this criterion 

The CPD representative must provide information about how culturally safe practice, health inequities, professionalism and ethical practice are considered and embedded within activities where relevant.
