General practice tool kit
Last revised: 24 Oct 2019
How do I write a succession plan? Succession planning for rural GPs Cash flow statement Analyse your finances Insurance - Australian Government Starting a business guide Legal essentials for business New business: Advice & support in your state or territory Australian Business Licence and Information Service (ABLIS) Fair Work Australia Business Enterprise Centres Australia ATO Recommending health apps
Standards Australia – Building & Construction Standards Catalogue Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors Master Builders Association Australia Standards Australia – Building & Construction Standards Catalogue Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors Master Builders Association Australia Model Code of Practice: Managing the work environment and facilities Hardware and software requirements Minimum requirements for clinical information systems Secondary use of general practice data Telehealth Electronic transfer of prescriptions (eTP) Health professionals starting with Medicare HPOS PRODA National Broadband Network (NBN) Hardware and software requirements Information security in general practice A guide to information backup in general practice Online appointment technology My Health Record in general practice A toolkit for effective and secure use of mobile technology Using personal mobile devices for clinical photos Using email in general practice (incl secure communications product list) Australian Digital Health Agency- Secure Messaging WHS/OH&S acts, regulations and codes of practice Safe Work Australia Safe Work Australia – Electrical safety RACGP’sGeneral practice: A Safe place. Disposing of e-waste safely and securely Guidance on Laws Relating to Pathology and Diagnostic Imaging - Prohibited Practices The Health Insurance Amendment (Inappropriate and Prohibited Practices and Other Measures) Act 2007 RACGP Standards for general practice RACGP Infection prevention and control standards for general practices and other office-based and community-based practices RACGP Information Security in General practice RACGP – Accreditation Factsheet: reducing the environmental impact of general practice Environmental management in business Australian industry capabilities - Green building Reducing the environmental impact of a general practice
Learn how to set up a bookkeeping system, manage your cash flow and prepare for tax time. Services, payments and programs if you’re a GP. Supporting sustainable billing practices in general practice Fee setting by medical professionals Compliance education for health professionals Medicare Billing Assurance Toolkit Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) RACGP Medicare Benefits Schedule fee summary (login required) Medicare Safety Net Practice Incentives Program PHN Program Guidelines and Policies Employee guide General Practice Registrars Australia (GPRA) General Practice Supervisors Australia AGPT GP Supervisors RACGP AGPT Curriculum for Australian General Practice Doctor Connect website For employers of international medical graduates RACGP IMGs Medical Board of Australia Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) For practice managers and GPs Practice Nurse Incentive Program Australian Association of Practice Managers (AAPM) A step-by-step guide to preventing discrimination in recruitment Equal opportunity and diversity Fair Work – Hiring employees Fair Work – Guide to hiring employees A step-by-step guide to preventing discrimination in recruitment Equal opportunity and diversity Probation Small Business Showcase: specific to small businesses (ie with 15 or fewer employees) Small business and the Fair Work Act: specific to small businesses (ie with 15 or fewer employees) Rights and obligations factsheets Minimum workplace entitlements factsheets National Employment Standards Fair Work Information Statement Fair Work: Pay Fair Work: Payslips Health & safety Identify, assess and control hazards
Employee guide General Practice Registrars Australia (GPRA) General Practice Supervisors Australia AGPT GP Supervisors RACGP AGPT Curriculum for Australian General Practice Doctor Connect website For employers of international medical graduates RACGP IMGs Medical Board of Australia Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) For practice managers and GPs Practice Nurse Incentive Program Australian Association of Practice Managers (AAPM) A step-by-step guide to preventing discrimination in recruitment Equal opportunity and diversity Fair Work – Hiring employees Fair Work – Guide to hiring employees A step-by-step guide to preventing discrimination in recruitment Equal opportunity and diversity Probation Small Business Showcase: specific to small businesses (ie with 15 or fewer employees) Small business and the Fair Work Act: specific to small businesses (ie with 15 or fewer employees) Rights and obligations factsheets Minimum workplace entitlements factsheets National Employment Standards Fair Work Information Statement Fair Work: Pay Fair Work: Payslips Health & safety Identify, assess and control hazards Safe Work Australia Guide for preventing and responding to workplace bullying Workplace bullying: Violence, Harassment and Bullying Fact sheet RACGP: Preventing and managing patient aggression and violence RACGP: Responding to sexual harassment by patients
Health privacy requirements for each state and territory Managing external requests for patient information Sell your business Change of ownership Closing your business Keep the right records Greening up: Environmental sustainability in general practice Information security in general practice Reducing the environmental impact of a general practice