General practice tool kit

Your practice premises

Co-located services

Last revised: 24 Oct 2019

Leasing space - advantages

Leasing space in your premises to other medical services (such as allied health or other specialists) provides two main advantages:

  • your patients have convenient access to the co-located services
  • co-locating can reduce your costs and/or increase your profits.

Complementary services you could have on-site include:

  • counselling
  • diabetes education
  • dietetics
  • occupational therapy
  • pathology and diagnostic imaging
    (there is specific legislation that relates to co-location of pathology collection centres that can be accessed here)
  • physiotherapy
  • podiatry
  • psychology
  • specialist consulting or procedures
  • speech therapy.

If your practice is planning to share premises and facilities with another service, establish a contract that specifies:

  • whether the other provider is an employee, contractor, or independent business
  • whether and how patient records will be shared
  • the allocation of costs, especially for shared resources and facilities (eg reception, waiting rooms, kitchens, systems, utilities)
  • the rights and responsibilities of both parties.

Seek professional legal advice to draft and implement the contract, and seek advice from your medical indemnity insurer so that you understand any insurance implications.

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