General practice tool kit

Your practice finances

Other revenue streams

Last revised: 24 Oct 2019

In this section

In addition to income generated from the billing for patient services, there are other income streams that are explained in this section.

Alternative funding sources exists for general practice and general practitioners (GPs) at both the federal and state/territory level.

Information about how to access these funding opportunities is provided on the RACGP's Alternative funding sources for general practice webpage

There are several groups that can provide additional funding opportunities that are based on the local community’s health needs. These include your local:

  • Primary Health Network (PHN). PHNs receive government funding to commission medical services, and general practices are sometimes able to apply for specific grants from their PHN
  • council
  • hospital.

Consider nominating an appropriate member of staff (such as your practice manager) to regularly check for opportunities for grants and funding.

Many GPs provide consultancy services outside of the general practice, which can be a good source of additional income. Examples of this type of work include:

  • training and lecturing
  • membership of committees, boards and councils
  • delivering at conferences and workshops
  • advising practice owners and managers on effective strategies to manage practices.
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