RACGP educational framework

Framework components

Last revised: 05 Oct 2023

Framework components

The framework is a conceptual representation of the RACGP’s approach to general practice education. Figure 1 shows the different components of RACGP education and their interrelationships with each other. The educational imperatives on which the framework is based inform the guiding principles, which in turn provide direction for the guiding instruments and educational programs across the learning continuum of GPs.  

Figure 1. RACGP educational framework: A conceptual representation of the RACGP’s approach to general practice education

RACGP educational imperatives  

The imperatives that drive RACGP education arise from five sources. These are:  

  1. the RACGP operating plan.  
  2. community health needs.  
  3. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health needs.  
  4. current medical education scholarship.  
  5. ethical and regulatory requirements.  

The RACGP operating plan  

The RACGP operating plan operationalises the RACGP three year strategy. This strategy realises the purpose of the RACGP which is to ensure a strong general practice profession that keeps Australia healthy.  

Community health needs  

Addressing community health needs is a fundamental purpose of general practice and hence a key driver for RACGP education. Community health needs encompass the needs of all Australians regardless of their postcode or their vulnerabilities as individuals.  

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health needs  

The RACGP is committed to developing and supporting a culturally safe and reflective general practitioner (GP) workforce that can work effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and communities. The RACGP reconciliation action plan provides the detail of this commitment. 

Current medical education scholarship  

RACGP is committed to education that is based on evidence and on contemporary understanding of best practice. Current medical education scholarship is a fundamental informant and driver for achieving this. 

Ethical and regulatory requirements  

RACGP has ethical and regulatory commitments that drive its education. These include its social responsibility to ensure that RACGP fellows have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that the Australian community expects and requires.  

Guiding principles  

The 10 guiding principles express the values, priorities, educational philosophy, and scope of education to which the RACGP is committed. They address the RACGP educational imperatives and function as the foundation for RACGP education. They are the basis of best practice education for general practice.  

Guiding instruments 

The guiding instruments are the formal educational structures that provide direction and resources for the RACGP educational programs. The guiding instruments are:   

  • Progressive capability profile of the general practitioner  
  • RACGP Curriculum and syllabus for Australian general practice and the curricula of the Rural Generalist (RG) training 
  • RACGP education policies and standards 

Educational programs  

The educational programs deliver education across the professional life journey of the general practitioner from medical school through to continuing professional development. They cover RACGP educational engagement with each part of the educational journey including:    

  • Primary medical degrees  
  • Prevocational training  
  • Training programs leading to Fellowship of the RACGP (FRACGP and FRACGP-RG)  
  • Programs for developing extended skills and specific interests  
  • Continuing professional development (CPD)  
  • Programs to support return to work  
  • Programs for professional remediation 
