RACGP Member Parental Leave Application


RACGP Member Parental Leave Application


Eligible members are those who:

  1. intend to be on parental or carer's leave for a period of at least 6 months, during which they will not be practising.
  2. hold an Australian medical registration.
  3. reside in Australia

Request for leave
RACGP members will need to apply for the membership waiver by filling out the online form below. Subject to complying with supportive documentation below, the membership fees will be waived from the date RACGP receives the application. The waiver period can be requested to start from no earlier than 1 October 2024.

Supportive Documentation
Eligible members must provide one of the following documents to support the parental leave request:

  • Certificate from a medical practitioner or appropriate government authority
  • A valid birth certificate of the child being cared for.
  • Foster/adoption papers
  • Permanent care orders

Approved RACGP Members are entitled to a 6-months waiver of membership fees. Upon returning from leave, any existing credits in the account will be automatically applied towards membership fees.
If a RACGP member chooses to return to work before the 6 months leave period, a pro-rata membership may apply. Requests need to be sent by email to membership@racgp.org.au

Members granted a fee waiver in their membership per this policy will have full access to membership benefits, including:

  • The college CPD learning platform or face to face education.
  • College member communications
  • The GP Support Program
  • Vote in college elections.
  • Conference member rates
  • Member benefits, including the GP support program.
  • Sit on any faculty, council or specific interest group.

Continuity of membership, for lifetime membership, will not be affected.
After the parental leave period, full or concession fees will apply per the current RACGP membership criteria.

CPD Exemption:
The Medical Board of Australia (MBA) sets regulations around exemption or variation to CPD. RACGP members must apply for CPD exemption or variation as per the CPD exemption or variation policy.

For further information or to discuss a CPD exemption, please reach out to your CPD Team on 1800 716 852 or at cpd.national@racgp.org.au

GP Registrars in a training program
If you are a GP Registrar and have applied for approved training leave through your training program, you do not need to complete this form. If not, please speak to your training coordinator regarding approved training leave.

Further information
Member Parental Leave Policy

Please complete the following form, attach supporting documents, then click submit.
