The RACGP's response to the ACSQHC provides comment on the draft guidelines including antimicrobial resistance and typical sepsis presentation in general practice.
The RACGP has written to the Department of Health in support of ending imaged-based prescribing as an opportunity to drive ePrescribing uptake across the healthcare sector more broadly.
The RACGP has provided a response to the Australian Government’s National Healthcare Interoperability Plan (the Plan).
The RACGP has provided a response to Cancer Council Australia on the National Cervical Screening Program Guidelines changes
The RACGP has provided a response to the Australian Government Department of Health Mental Health Initial Assessment and Referral Project consultation
The RACGP has provided a response to the TGA on the Potential for Mandatory Reporting of Medical Device Adverse Events by Healthcare Facilities in Australia
The RACGP provided feedback to the ACSQHC regarding guiding principles for medication management in residential aged care facilities
The RACGP has provided a submission to the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) audit of the COVID-19 Vaccination Program
The RACGP has provided a submission to the federal department of health regarding the draft Primary Healthcare 10 Year Plan
The RACGP provides high level and practical feedback related to the objectives of the policy
The RACGP submission provides feedback on the role of GPs during the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccine rollout
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners thanks the Department of Health for the opportunity to respond to the MSAC 1677 Pharmacy Diabetes Screening trial
The RACGP has provided a submission to the inquiry into the provision of general practitioner and related primary health services to outer metropolitan, rural and regional Australians
The RACGP submission recommends the inclusion of an opioid analgesic dose for when naloxone is to be administered
The RACGP has provided a response for the National Mental Health Workforce Strategy Taskforce on the National Mental Health Workforce Strategy – Consultation Draft
The RACGP has provided a submission to the Financial Services Council (FSC) on the draft Life Insurance Code of Practice
The RACGP has provided a response to the National General Practice Accreditation Arrangements Review’s consultation into general practice accreditation arrangements
The RACGP has provided a response to the National Eating Disorders Collaboration on the Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Eating Disorders for People in Larger Bodies
The RACGP provided a submission to the MSAC Application 1637 and 1671
The RACGP provided a submission to MSAC Application 1627 - for Point-of-Care test for diagnosis of Neisseria gonorrhoea
The submission emphasises the importance of ensuring the people working in the aged care, disability and palliative care sectors and well trained
The letter notes that GPs have been asked to repay funds to the Department when they have provided services in good faith to long-term patients of their practice
An RACGP submission has been developed based on the experience, insights and knowledge of RACGP members – GPs at the coalface – across Australia
The RACGP has provided a response to the Royal Australasian College of Physicians on the Bringing Evidence-informed Practice
The administration of the Health Practitioner National Law has been subject to a number of reviews in the past several years, including previous Senate inquiries
The RACGP has provided a response to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care on the National Opioid Analgesic Stewardship Program discussion paper
The RACGP provided a submission to the TGA on the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code
The RACGP has provided the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) with a response to the ACCC draft determination
The Department of Health is seeking to work with the health sector in the development of any potential new or revised MBS items relating to nicotine cessation
Uptake and adoption of digital technologies in healthcare is inconsistent throughout medical education pathways
The RACGP were invited to comment on the Healthdirect Australia 2021-24 Strategic Plan
The TGA released public consultation on two proposals to down-schedule a list of substances from Schedule 4 to Schedule 3 with Appendix M listings
The regulatory principles are based on the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, and underpin the work of the National Boards and Ahpra in regulating Australia’s health practitioners
The RACGP has released an overview of the 2021–22 Federal Budget
The RACGP has provided a response to the Australian Department of Health on the draft National Preventive Health Strategy (the Strategy)
The Health Plan addresses many of the issues the RACGP has raised previously, for example the need for shared decision making
The RACGP has provided comment on the draft Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission)
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners welcomes the opportunity to comment on the development of the Therapeutic Goods Administration's TGO-110 Standard
The RACGP has provided a response to the Select Committee on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention on the Terms of Reference
The Australian Government established a co-design process to examine options for a ‘Voice to Parliament’
The RACGP has provided a submission to the Department of Health’s Electrocardiogram (ECG) Review Committee
Since 2002, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been able to have their status recorded confidentially on a database called the Voluntary Indigenous Identifier (VII)
The Department of Health/Cultural Fusion have developed a draft National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health workforce strategic framework and implementation plan 2021-2031
The RACGP has made a submission to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) regarding their proposal to make continued dispensing of medicines by pharmacists an ongoing arrangement
The RACGP has provided a submission to the Therapeutic Goods Administration for the consultation on Efficacy monographs for listed medicines
The RACGP has provided a response to the National Mental Health Commission on the National Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Draft Strategy
The RACGP has provided a response to the Australian Department of Health on the Productivity Commission Mental Health Inquiry Report
he RACGP has provided a submission to the Department of Health on proposed reforms
The RACGP has responded to the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) on the new changes to the labelling of dispensed antibiotics by pharmacists
The RACGP has released its 2021-22 pre-budget submission
The RACGP has responded to Cancer Australia's report on the enquiry into implementing a national lung cancer screening program