Read RACGPs submission supporting option 2 relating to use of genetic test results in life insurance
RACGP response - Draft BreastScreen position statement on mammographic density and screening
The Department of Health and Aged care contacted the RACGP as we had previously provided input on MSAC application 1677 Pharmacy Diabetes Screening trial. Resubmission of this application is being considered at the upcoming MSAC meeting in April 2024.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the BreastScreen Australia program review consultation. General practice is the most accessible service across Aust
The RACGP's submission to Ahpra recommends a number of clarifications to be made to the draft document to ensure that GPs and their work are not unintentionally impacted by these guidelines.
More needs to be done to reduce out-of-pocket medical costs for patients, and address the adverse impacts of cost of living on the health of Australians.
The RACGP is very supportive of the CVC model of care and recommends simple improvements to the program to improve access to care for more veterans, and enable GPs to manage chronic conditions early.