Infection prevention and control guidelines

2. Hand hygiene

Other factors affecting practice hygiene

      1. Other factors affecting practice hygiene

Last revised: 18 Aug 2023

Other factors affecting practice hygiene

Clothing and other wearable items

Avoid wearing lanyards, long chains and neckties as evidence indicates they may facilitate transmission of infection.

Where there is a risk of clothing splash by blood and other body substances, it is recommended that staff wear uniforms or sensible clothing as well as the appropriate personal protective equipment. Healthcare workers who wear uniforms should wear a clean uniform for each shift. If work attire has been contaminated with blood or body substances, it should be changed immediately and laundered appropriately.

If a practice requires the use of uniforms, it should either make provisions to launder them or provide information to the employee regarding infection control and cleaning guidelines for the item based on the tasks being performed. Health-care facilities can address the need to provide this service and determine the frequency for laundering these items.

Animal entry policy

The practice should develop a policy about which animals (eg assistance animals, therapy animals) can be allowed into the practice and in which areas, and the infection prevention and control protocols that must be implemented (eg hand hygiene, cleaning after visits).
