Infection prevention and control guidelines

10. Reprocessing reusable medical devices

Resources and references

      1. Resources and references

Last revised: 18 Aug 2023

Resources and references


Reprocessing of reusable medical devices. In: NHMRC. Australian guidelines for the prevention and control of infection in healthcare (2019)

RACGP Steriliser Record System - logbook and templates

New South Wales Clinical Excellence Commission Reprocessing of Reusable Medical Devices resources

Relevant Australian standards

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. GP Standard 4. Criterion GP4.1 – Infection prevention and control, including sterilisation. In: Standards for general practices. 5th Edition. East Melbourne, Vic: RACGP, 2020.

AS/NZS 4815 – Office-based health care facilities not involved in complex patient procedures and processes—Cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing reusable medical and surgical instruments and equipment, and maintenance of the associated environment

AS/NZS 4187 – Reprocessing of reusable medical devices in health service organisations

Note: AS/NZS4187 and AS/NZS4815 will soon be replaced by AS5369 – Reprocessing of reusable medical devices and other devices in health and non-health related facilities.

Other relevant standards

ISO 17665-1:2006 – Sterilization of health care products


  1. Spaulding E. Chemical disinfection and antisepsis in the hospital. J Hosp Res 1957; 9: 5-31.
  2. National Asthma Council Australia. Use and care of spacers. Australian asthma handbook V22. South Melbourne: National Asthma Council Australia; 2022.
  3. National Asthma Council Australia. Australian asthma handbook. Version 2.2. Melbourne: National Asthma Council Australia; 2022.
