Infection prevention and control guidelines
10. Reprocessing reusable medical devices
Last revised: 17 Jun 2024
Initial treatment of reusable medical devices must occur immediately after use at the point of use. This generally involves wiping with damp or dry low-lint or lint-free disposable cloth (eg non-woven gauze) to remove visible soiling, or treatment with a TGA-registered instrument precleaning product, if necessary.
Devices should then be safely transported to the reprocessing area in a cleanable, sealable, puncture- and leak-resistant container dedicated to that purpose.
If cleaning must be delayed, items that have undergone initial treatment to remove visible soiling may be held in a suitable labelled container, covered with a TGA-registered instrument precleaning product that is suitable for metals and plastics, for up to the maximum time specified in the manufacturer’s information for use.
Items should not be left in detergent solution for later cleaning