Infection prevention and control guidelines

2. Hand hygiene

Facilities for hand hygiene

      1. Facilities for hand hygiene

Last revised: 17 Jun 2024

Facilities for hand hygiene

Hand hygiene facilities (alcohol-based handrub dispensers or sinks) must be provided in all examination and treatment areas and in or close to toilets (ie either in the cubicle or immediately outside it, not in an adjacent room).

Alcohol-based handrub should be provided in disposable cartridges with disposable nozzles, designed for hands-free dispensing. Refillable dispensers must not be used. Alcohol-based handrub should not be placed near a sink, but at point of care and other work areas such as workstations in a reprocessing room.

When building new premises or upgrading existing premises, consider installing hands-free or elbow-operated taps for handwashing, where required. Paper towel dispensers must be installed at sinks.

When working offsite, use alcohol-based handrub.
