Infection prevention and control guidelines

12. Planning a practice: design, fit-out, equipment and consumables

Resources and references

      1. Resources and references

Last revised: 17 Jun 2024

Resources and references


Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. General practice tool kit, Module 2 – Your practice premises.

Australasian Health Facility Guidelines (Part D Infection prevention and control)

Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) statement on the role of ventilation in reducing the risk of transmission of COVID-19

United States Environmental Protection Agency. Air Cleaners, HVAC Filters, and Coronavirus (COVID-19)

World Health Organization. Roadmap to improve and ensure good indoor ventilation in the context of COVID-19

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. Optimising ventilation for infection prevention and control in healthcare settings

Relevant Australian standards

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. GP Standard 4. Criterion GP4.1 – Infection prevention and control, including sterilisation. In: Standards for general practices. 5th Edition. East Melbourne, Vic: RACGP, 2020.

AS 1668.1 – The use of ventilation and air conditioning in buildings

AS 1668.2 – Mechanical ventilation in buildings

AS 1071 – Placement and presentation of hand hygiene materials in relation to the basin in healthcare settings

Other relevant standards

ISO 17664-1 – Processing of health care products


  1. World Health Organization. Roadmap to improve and ensure good indoor ventilation in the context of COVID-19. [Accessed 3 October 2022].
