The RACGP is undergoing scheduled system maintenance: Wednesday,11 September 2024 from 8.30 – 8.45 PM AEST. During this time services may be interrupted. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
RACGP have provided comment on cough and cold medication and codeine containing analgesics
RACGP have addressed some of the questions in the RANZOR radiology written report guideline
The RACGP provided feedback on proposed revised processes for MSAC applications, part of the Department of Health's larger review and reform of MSAC processes
The RACGP's 2016-17 pre-budget submission presents four strategies for investing in patient healthcare through better supporting general practice
The RACGP thanks the Department of Health for the invitation to provide comment on MBS item 30659 for male circumcision in patients over the age of ten performed by GPs
The RACGP is pleased to provide feedback to the Department of Health on the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC)’s application 1366 – Transient Elastography (TE) at 50Hz for the diagnosis of liver fibrosis in patients with confirmed hepatitis B or C
The RACGP supports the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) proposed changes to the PBS listing of alprazolam
The RACGP provided comment on the first round of recommendations from MBS Review Taskforce Clinical Committees on items that they considered obsolete and should be removed from the MBS
The RACGP thanks the Cancer Council of Australia for the opportunity to provide comment on the public consultation of the Draft clinical management guidelines for the prevention of cervical cancer
2015-16 public report form submitted by The Royal Australian College Of General Practitioners to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency
The overview provides an overview of new initiatives and changes to existing programs announced in the 2016-17 Federal Budget, including increases and reductions in health expenditure and the implications for general practice
The National Strategic Framework for chronic conditions supersedes the National Chronic Disease Strategy 2005 and associated National Service Improvement Frameworks
The RACGP made a submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee inquiry, which is considering the future of Australia’s aged care sector workforce
The RACGP believes that the process of development of the practice guidelines appears to be sound and the recommendations are appropriate
The RACGP supports the Department of Health proposed regulation
The RACGP's submission focusses on the health sector and calls for ongoing consultation during the inquiry
The Protocol Advisory Sub-Committee (PASC) of the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) sought comment on the draft protocol for HbA1c point of care testing for the diagnosis and management of diabetes mellitus
RACGP has worked with others to produce a report to implement patient centred healthcare homes
The RACGP response provides comments on GP training, use of a database of GPs with experience in military medicine, the use of shared electronic health records, and other issues as discussed in the paper
The RACGP prepared brief comments on the proposed clinical care standard for colonoscopy
The RACGP response outlines a number of important issues for general practice in the provision of palliative care
The RACGP has identified a number of key themes within the Pharmacy Review discussion paper that are addressed by multiple terms of reference
The RACGP welcomes the MBS Review as an opportunity to modernise Medicare and argues for better recognition and focus on GPs through the MBS review process
The RACGP 2017-18 pre-budget submission presents three strategies for investing in patient healthcare through better supporting general practice
The RACGP has provided feedback which describes the need for more action-oriented information to support the role of GPs in assessing new stroke cases, and greater patient-focussed guidance
The RACGP’s submission to the preliminary findings report responded to discussion regarding reform of public hospital and specialist palliative care sectors
The RACGP support the development of new models of integrated cancer care that recognise the core aspects of good generalist care and that address the broader physical and psychological needs of cancer survivors
The RACGP has developed a summary of the key expense measures included in the Government’s 2016-2017 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO)
The RACGP has provided feedback which indicates support for many of the reforms, with the exception of the plan to replace the current system of vetting and pre-approving advertisements with an industry self-regulation approach
The RACGP has submitted a response to the to the Department’s consultation on the Redesign of the Practice Incentives Program
The RACGP is satisfied with the national priority areas outlined in the draft Fifth Plan
RACGP presents an authoritative case for recognition of its current direction and action as an alternative to a ‘one size fits all’ revalidation approach