Region priority preferencing

Region priority preferencing

Last updated 4 March 2024

What is region priority preferencing?

Region priority preferencing enables some doctors their choice of region/subregion and in some instances, pathway preference, in the Australian General Practice Training Program.

Who does it apply to?

Region priority preferencing will be considered for doctors who are:

  • are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
  • are employed by the Australian Defence Force
  • are enrolled in a state/territory rural generalist coordination unit program
  • nominate as their first preference in an RACGP identified area of need (as detailed further below)
  • nominate general pathway composite as their first preference
  • have a current or previous rural connection.

How does it work?

Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander doctors or Australian Defence Force doctors:
If you successfully progress through the application and selection process and are deemed suitable for an offer, you’ll be offered a place in your preferred pathway (general or rural), region and where applicable, subregion.

Doctors enrolled in a state/territory rural generalist coordination unit program:
If you successfully progress through the application and selection process and are deemed suitable for an offer, you’ll be offered a place in your preferred pathway (general or rural), region and where applicable, subregion.

You may be requested to provide evidence of your enrolment during the selection process.

Doctors who nominate as their first preference in an RACGP identified area of need as listed below

If you nominate one of the following as your first preference, if you successfully progress through the selection process, you’re guaranteed a position in that pathway and region.

  • Northern Territory – rural and general pathway
  • New South Wales - New England/Northwest subregion – rural and general pathway
  • New South Wales - all regions - rural pathway
  • North West Queensland – rural and general pathway
  • South Australia – rural pathway
  • Tasmania – rural pathway  
  • Victoria – Rural North East Victoria subregion – rural pathway
  • Western Australia – rural pathway

Doctors who nominate composite pathway as their first preference

If you’re interested in undertaking a rural rotation in an identified region of need, and you preference a general composite pathway as your first preference, you’re guaranteed your preferred general composite pathway training offer if you successfully progress through the selection process.

Doctors with a current or previous rural connection in rural South Eastern Queensland or Victorian rural subregions - North West, South West and South East Victoria:

If you’re a doctor with a current or previous rural connection in South Eastern Queensland or rural Victorian subregions (North West, South West and South East) and you would like to train in this rural area, we can help! We’re committed to maintaining the rural training pipeline for doctors with a demonstrated connection to a rural community.

To be considered, you’ll need to demonstrate one or more of the following:

  • be a current or previous resident in the rural area of your region (and where applicable subregion) of first preference, for a minimum of 12 consecutive months
  • have previous training exposure (university and/or hospital) in the rural area of your region (and where applicable subregion) of first preference that is more than 13 weeks in duration
  • be currently employed in the rural area of your region (and where applicable subregion) of first preference
  • have a partner who is currently employed in the rural area of your region (and where applicable subregion) of first preference.

In your application to the Australian General Practice Training Program, you’ll need to ensure that you preference the rural pathway and that your training region (and where applicable, subregion) first preference are the same as your rural connection.

You’ll also need to successfully progress through the application and selection process and be deemed suitable for an offer to be made a training offer.

You may be asked to provide evidence of your current or previous connection during the selection period as follows:

Connection Evidence required
Current or previous resident in the rural area of your region (and where applicable subregion) of first preference (minimum consecutive 12 months)
  • Utility bills over a 12 month period in your name or
  • Evidence of employment, education or training over a 12 month period.
Previous training exposure (university and/or hospital) in the rural area of your region (and where applicable subregion) of first preference that is more than 13 weeks in duration. Hospital training:
  • Written confirmation of employment the from hospital.
University study:
  • Written confirmation from university.
You are currently employed in the rural area of your region (and where applicable subregion) of first preference.
  • Written confirmation from employer.
Your partner is currently employed in the rural area of your region (and where applicable subregion) of first preference.
  • Written confirmation from employer.

We’re here to help

If you have any questions about region priority preferencing, please contact us on

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