The My Health Record provides healthcare providers access to another source of information. The use of My Health Record in RACFs can improve access to residents’ health and medicines information to support better and safer care.
My Health Record allows RACF residents and their healthcare teams to share immunisation information, details about allergies and medicines, as well as pathology and radiology reports, where available.
My Health Record can contain clinical content data from government sources such as Medicare and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), documents that are uploaded by healthcare providers and health information that is added by the consumer.
Many patients who enter aged care facilities have information about their health status missing due to the transition of care from hospital or the move to a different geographical location, where they no longer have access to their usual GP. As My Health Record is more widely adopted in aged care, and the data and information available in the system increase, there is the potential for My Health Record to become a powerful tool to provide better and safer care.