Amendment for claiming rules for MBS item 14050 – UVA and UVB phototherapy
In order for a patient to be eligible for a Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) rebate for ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) phototherapy (item 14050), involvement of a specialist in the speciality of dermatology is required. At a minimum, the relevant specialist’s involvement should include a letter stating the diagnosis, need for phototherapy, estimated time of treatment and review date (Explanatory Note TN.1.14).
The Department of Health has advised that, where services for UVA and UVB phototherapy have appropriately involved a specialist in the speciality of dermatology, item 14050 can be claimed. The Department of Health is working with the Department of Human Services to ensure claims for MBS item 14050 that have already been rejected can be resubmitted. Whether providing or initiating a services for which a Medicare benefit is payable, practitioners should ensure complete records are maintained, which includes clinical information adequate to explain the type of service provided.
If you have a query regarding previous claims for item 14050, you should contact askMBS for clarification, via email or through their enquiry line 13 21 50.