2023–25 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program

2023–25 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program

New Fellows modified CPD Program requirements

New Fellows of the RACGP will be entitled to either a full or proportionate ‘block credit’ within the year of Fellowship ratification aligning with the new Medical Board of Australia’s (MBA’s) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) registration standards’ requirements. 

New Fellows whose Fellowship date is between January and June will be awarded 30 CPD hours credit allocated as 15 hours Educational Activities (EA), 7.5 hours Reviewing Performance (RP), and 7.5hrs Measuring Outcomes (MO) and will have to complete the modified CPD Program requirements for the remainder of the year. To meet the MBA CPD requirements, they must complete:

  • professional development plan (PDP)
  • 10 hours of any CPD activity type
  • 10 hours of reviewing performance and/or measuring outcomes

New Fellows whose Fellowship date is from July onwards will be entitled to a full ‘block credit’ for the remainder of the year meeting the minimum MBA CPD requirements.

Definition of terms

Block credit – a defined amount of credit in CPD activity types and hours towards your CPD requirement that is granted because you have achieved Fellowship in that year. Credit can be either partial or full depending on when you received your Fellowship.

Fellowship date – the date of admission to Fellowship as per the RACGP’s record.