
The RACGP is undergoing scheduled system maintenance: Wednesday,11 September 2024 from 8.30 – 8.45 PM AEST. During this time services may be interrupted. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

The Clinical Competencies for the CCE

Map of Curriculum Core Skills Competency outcomes and Clinical Competency Outcomes for assessment

Last revised: 19 Mar 2024

CS1.1.1 Communication is clear, respectful, empathic and appropriate to the person and their sociocultural context Communication and consultation skills
CS1.1.2 Effective communication is used in challenging situations
CS1.1.3 Communication with family, carers and others involved in the care of the patient is appropriate and clear
CS1.2.1 Ways in which health can be optimised and maintained are communicated to patients, family members and carers Preventive and population health
CS2.1.1 The conduct of the consultation is appropriate to the needs of the patient and the sociocultural context Communication and consultation skills
CS2.1.2 Continuity of care promotes quality and safety Clinical management and therapeutic reasoning
CS2.1.3 Comprehensive and holistic 
management plans are developed collaboratively
CS2.2.1 A comprehensive, clearly documented biopsychosocial history is taken from the patient Clinical information gathering and interpretation
CS2.2.2 An appropriate and respectful physical examination of the patient is undertaken
CS2.2.3 A significantly ill patient is identified and managed appropriately Identifying and managing the patient with significant illness
CS2.2.4 A rational list of differential diagnoses is formulated Diagnosis, decision-making and reasoning
CS2.2.5 Appropriate procedures are undertaken after receiving informed consent Procedural skills
CS2.2.6 Rational options for investigations are offered Clinical information gathering and interpretation
CS2.2.7 The results of investigations are interpreted in the context of the patient
CS2.2.8 Diagnosis and management is evidence-based and relevant to the needs of the patient Diagnosis, decision-making and reasoning
Clinical management and therapeutic reasoning
CS2.2.9 Rational prescribing and medication monitoring is undertaken Clinical management and therapeutic reasoning
CS2.2.10 The uncertainty of ongoing undifferentiated conditions is managed Managing uncertainty
CS2.3.1 Quality evidence-based resources are critically analysed and utilised Clinical management and therapeutic reasoning
CS2.3.2 Innovative approach to care of patients with multisystem and/or complex health issues is taken
CS2.4.1 Appropriate mode of care delivery to suit the needs of the patient Preventive and population health
CS2.4.2 Fragmentation of care is minimised
CS2.4.3 Demonstrate leadership in emergency situations Identifying and managing the patient with significant illness
CS3.1.1 The patterns and prevalence of disease are incorporated into screening and management practices Preventive and population health
CS3.1.2 The impacts of the social determinants of health are identified and addressed
CS3.1.3 Current and emerging public health risks are effectively managed
CS3.2.1 Barriers to equitable access to quality care are addressed
CS3.2.2 The health needs of individuals are balanced with the health needs of the community through effective utilisation of resources
CS4.1.1 Adherence to relevant codes and standards of ethical and professional behaviour Professionalism
CS4.1.2 Duty of care is maintained
CS4.1.4 Critical incidents and potential critical incidents are identified and managed
CS4.2.1 Professional knowledge and skills are reviewed and developed
CS4.2.2 Reflection and self-appraisal are undertaken regularly
CS4.2.3 Personal health and wellbeing is evaluated, maintained and developed
CS4.3.1 Professional knowledge and skills are effectively shared with others
CS4.3.2 Identify and support colleagues who may be in difficulty
CS5.1.1 Infection control and relevant clinical practice standards are maintained General practice systems and regulatory requirements
CS5.1.2 Effective clinical leadership is demonstrated Professionalism
CS5.1.3 Relevant data is clearly documented, securely stored and appropriately shared for quality improvement General practice systems and regulatory requirements
CS5.1.4 Quality and safety is enhanced through the effective use of information systems
CS5.1.5 Effective triaging and time management structures are in place to allow timely provision of care Communication and consultation skills
CS5.1.6 Ethical business processes and practices, and effective governance structures are implemented General practice systems and regulatory requirements
CS5.2.1 Patient confidentiality is managed appropriately
CS5.2.2 Shared decision-making and informed consent are explained and obtained
CS5.2.3 Medico-legal requirements are integrated into accurate documentation
CS1.1 GPs communicate effectively and appropriately to provide quality Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
CS2.1 GPs provide the primary contact for holistic and patient-centred care
CS2.2 GPs diagnose and manage the full range of health conditions in a diverse range of patients across the lifespan through a therapeutic relationship
CS2.3 GPs are informed and innovative
CS2.4 GPs collaborate and coordinate care
CS3.1 GPs make rational decisions based on the current and future health needs of the community and the Australian healthcare system
CS3.2 GPs effectively lead to address the unique health needs of the community
CS4.1 GPs mentor, teach and research to improve quality care
CS5.1 GPs use quality and effective practice management processes and systems to optimise safety
RH1.1 Communicate effectively with other health professionals using available infrastructure Rural health
RH2.1 Deliver quality care to a rural and remote community
RH3.1 Promote health in the rural and/or remote community
RH3.2 Undertake a range of public health roles
RH4.1 Identify and ethically manage therapeutic boundary issues
RH4.2 Address professional isolation
RH5.1 Manage time and workloads
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