Date: 3 October 2023
The RACGP submission to the Australian Pharmacy Council’s (APC) second round of consultation regarding the draft accreditation standards for pharmacist prescriber education programs and performance outcomes framework reiterates RACGP’s position that the prescribing pharmacist should work as part of a medically supported, integrated multidisciplinary team (such as in hospitals, general practice and Aboriginal and Community Controlled Health Services). The RACGP does not support independent or autonomous prescribing by pharmacists in a retail setting or independent or autonomous prescribing that requires a pharmacist to diagnose a new condition and/or requires the pharmacist to recognise, through clinical assessment, the deterioration of a patient or the need to change the management of a patient. The RACGP continues to be concerned about the conflation of diagnosing and prescribing skills and that the role of diagnosis in prescribing is being diminished.
The first consultation in April 2023 involved responding to the 105 page environmental scan and literature review and answering set consultation questions. This second consultation involved reviewing the APC consultation one feedback report and response report, attendance at a consultation forum held 15 September and the development of the below submission addressing the consultation questions in response to the draft accreditation standards and draft performance outcomes. The RACGP will continue to participate in further consultations.
Read the submission
RACGP response to the Australian Pharmacy Council’s second consultation regarding the Draft accreditation standards for pharmacist prescriber education programs and performance outcomes framework.(PDF)