You are given a link and connected to examiners through the Zoom video-conferencing platform. Cases are presented on screen, with examiners sharing control to enable you to scroll through the information.
You may also take notes, and case information is available throughout the case.
You have five minutes to read case information and instructions on your screen. The allotted exam time of 15 minutes begins immediately after, and the examiner will manage the timing and advise you when you can start.
Each case contains a number of questions relevant to the case. If you don’t answer the question asked or don’t address a particular aspect of the question, examiners may ask a prompting question.
Examiners may also ask probing questions to find out more information if the response lacked details or to clarify what was said. For example, ‘You mentioned you would check for XYZ – can you please explain how you would do that?’.