Candidate guidelines for the Clinical Competency Exam
CCE preparation
Last revised: 10 Aug 2023
Candidates improve their consultation skills through everyday practice. It’s important for you to practise each of the competency areas in your daily patient encounters, seeking feedback from supervisors, peers, mentors, colleagues and patients with the intent of continuously improving performance.
You might find it helpful to invite a trusted colleague to spend time watching you consult, either in the practice or by video (such methods would require informed patient consent), and then asking for constructive feedback. You can then become aware of your own performance in clinical situations and alter any aspects you consider appropriate. Performing well in actual practice makes it easier to translate these behaviours into the exam situation.
All candidates should practise a structured approach to patient presentations, which are often non-specific and full of uncertainties. You should also practise being systematic in defining patient problems and working through the differentials to a provisional or definitive diagnosis.
It’s essential that you continue to practise patient-centred care in a culturally appropriate and safe way. You must also practise using an evidence-based approach to quality care.
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