Candidate guidelines for the Clinical Competency Exam
Clinical Competency Exam (CCE)
Last revised: 10 Aug 2023
Examiners for the CCE are experienced GPs who complete significant training in delivering and marking cases in a standardised way before examining for the CCE.
Each case presents a number of competencies that are assessed as the case unfolds. Within each of the competencies, multiple criteria describe the performance expected at the level of early Fellowship.
Examiners rate your performance in relation to the competency areas being assessed in the context of each case. Ratings are recorded on a four-point Likert scale ranging from ‘competency not demonstrated’ to ‘competency fully demonstrated’.
The standard expected is set at the point of Fellowship. Being at the standard expected means that you’re ready for unsupervised general practice anywhere within Australia.
Candidates are examined by different examiners on each station, providing broad sampling that limits the potential for bias and provides a significant number of data points for analysis.
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