Guidelines for remote supervision

Remote supervision training minimum requirements

Last revised: 02 Aug 2023

Remote supervision training minimum requirements

Remote supervision is not just traditional supervision occurring remotely. There are challenges that will need to be addressed, as well as extra time, logistics, guidelines, support and payment that will be required to ensure the supervision is serving its purposes. Virtual contact will always take longer than ad hoc face-to-face support and will need to be more organised, and often pre-emptive. Remote supervision needs to encompass the full spectrum of ‘supervision’ activities, including clinical oversight, teaching, mentoring, role modelling, coaching, career support, advocacy and nurturing.21

The table below lists key remote supervision activities and the indicative resourcing required for the registrar, depending on their general practice and remote supervision experience. This table should be used to determine the appropriate plan for the registrar’s placement. Considerations include the registrar experience, remote supervisor availability, the onsite team and the context of the training site. Flexibility is also required to respond appropriately to the needs of the registrar.

Note: Registrars undertaking a remote supervised placement will participate in all training and education activities as required by their training program.

Activity GPT2/second term GPT3/third term GPT4/fourth term
Remote supervision orientation
(per placement/site)
Registrar and remote supervisor spend one to two weeks together to build education alliance and assess appropriateness of the training site
This is crucial for a successful remotely supervised placement
Two weeks, mostly supernumerary  Two weeks, mostly supernumerary  One to two weeks, mostly supernumerary, based on registrar’s experience
Weekly remote supervision
This includes all teaching, registrar support, ad hoc communications, assessment and some regular quarantined time for the remote supervisor and the registrar
It also includes in-practice teaching time requirement
Three to four hours per week  Three hours per week  Two to three hours per week 
Mid-term site visits
A site visit is ideally conducted by the remote supervisor 
One to two visits One to two visits At least one visit
Onsite team meetings
Regular check-ins between the onsite supervision team (or team representative), registrar and remote supervisor
Every one to two months Every one to two months  Every two months 
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