Guidelines for remote supervision

Models of remote supervision

Last revised: 02 Aug 2023

Models of remote supervision

There are a number of models of remote supervision that can be applied, depending on the context of the training site and the availability of the remote supervisor.

 Model Description Examples of how the model might work in practice
Remote supervision Registrar is supervised by a remote supervisor who lives anywhere in Australia
  • There may or may not be a non-supervising GP or locum at the training site
  • If there is another onsite GP, it may be arranged that they provide support during emergencies
Blended supervision Registrar and remote supervisor work in the same location for a period of time throughout the placement, with periods of remote supervision
  • Registrar may work in a location where the remote supervisor may be a regular FIFO locum
  • Both registrar and remote supervisor may be FIFO in a ‘roving registrar’ model and visit multiple locations (up to six) regularly together or separately
Satellite supervision Registrar is supervised by a remote supervisor in a neighbouring or nearby town who is available for some face-to-face meetings and supervision
  • Registrar may work exclusively in a satellite clinic of the main clinic where the supervisor works
  • Registrar may work in both the main practice and the satellite clinic, with the remote supervisor only working in the main practice
  • Registrar may work in both the main practice and the satellite clinic, with the remote supervisor also working in both practices, but not simultaneously with the registrar
  • The main clinic and satellite clinic do not necessarily have to be connected
  • Two weeks orientation could be either in town clinic, satellite clinic or a blend
Group supervision Multiple remote supervisors support multiple registrars remotely and rotate their days of support
  • Up to five remote supervisors support up to five registrars
  • Each registrar will have a one-on-one relationship with one of the supervisors, who will be their primary remote supervisor and will usually be the only supervisor doing face-to-face work with them
  • Each remote supervisor works as the dedicated supervisor one day per week and supports all remotely supervised registrars on that day
  • Remote supervisors would usually not have their own patient consultations on days they are working in this role and could do administrative tasks (eg results, reports) between training calls and scheduled activities (eg assessment and external clinical teaching visits)

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