Clinical guidance for MRI referral
The information set out in this publication is current at the date of first publication and is intended for use as a guide of a general nature only
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the members of the Advisory Group as well as the various stakeholders who provided feedback that enabled the guidance to be refined through successive drafts.
This guidance is designed to inform GPs of the indications for MRI referral under new Medicare arrangements
DoHA commissioned the RACGP in July 2013 to produce this guidance in time for the introduction of the new MBS-supported MRI referral items in November 2013.
Due to the time constraints in the development of this guidance, we have mostly taken recommendations from existing evidence-based guidelines
The guidance is divided into the three anatomical regions of the MBS item descriptions – head, cervical spine and knee.
This guidance is intended for GPs who are considering referring patients aged 16 years and over with any of the specific Medicare-funded indications for MRI
Guidance-for-MRI-referral.pdf (PDF 1.54 MB)
Summary-sheet-MRI-for-cervical-radiculopathy.pdf (PDF 0.49 MB)
Summary-sheet-MRI-of-the-head-for-unexplained-chronic-headache.pdf (PDF 0.46 MB)
Summary-sheet-MRI-of-the-head-for-unexplained-seizure-s.pdf (PDF 0.46 MB)
Summary-sheet-MRI-of-the-knee-for-meniscal-and-anterior-cruciate-ligament-tears.pdf (PDF 0.46 MB)
Summary-sheet-MRI-of-the-spine-for-cervical-trauma.pdf (PDF 0.46 MB)