Splints for the reduction of pain from hand osteoarthritis Interventions Hand OA mainly affects women and often starts around the time of menopause and prefabricated or custom-made splints can help
Knee taping for osteoarthritis Interventions Knee osteoarthritis is the most common cause of knee pain in people older than 50 and applying strong, adhesive tape or strapping to the area can help unload painful soft tissues
Walking cane for knee osteoarthritis Interventions Use of a cane is one of a number of non-drug treatments for knee osteoarthritis; which include weight reduction, exercise and taping
Exercise for knee osteoarthritis Interventions Exercise is recommended as a core treatment for osteoarthritis in all clinical guidelines regardless of patient age, pain levels or disease severity.
DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet to prevent and control hypertension Interventions The DASH diet has been rated the best diet for overall health and wellness for the past 5 years in a row
Low-FODMAP diets for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Interventions A nutritionally balanced diet that is low in fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols (FODMAPs) for adults with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Peanut allergy prevention Interventions Almost 3 in every 100 Australian children have a peanut allergy and around 20% of children ‘grow out of it’
Mediterranean diet for reducing cardiovascular disease risk Interventions UNESCO has officially recognised the Mediterranean diet pattern to be part of the cultural heritage of Italy, Greece, Spain and Morocco
Pre-meal water consumption for weight loss Interventions Gastric emptying slows down as people age, which may be why water helps older people feel fuller for longer
Probiotics for acute infectious diarrhea Interventions There may be a significant difference between the pharmaceutical-grade probiotics that show promise in clinical trials and probiotics in foodstuffs