Recognition of Extended Skills

Recognition of Extended Skills

The RACGP > Faculties > RACGP Specific Interests > Recognition of Extended Skills

Recognising your extended skills and knowledge

Recognition of Extended Skills for Fellows of the RACGP acknowledges GPs with extended knowledge, skills, and expertise in specific areas of general practice.

What is Recognition of Extended Skills for Fellows of the RACGP?

At the point of Fellowship, GPs are able,  and expected, to manage whatever walks in through the door. The core skills of a GP have been documented in the RACGP Curriculum for Australian General Practice. 

Throughout their careers, GPs continue to develop their skills in response to community need and their own areas of interest. These extended skills are invaluable to the community, as they ensure that patients receive the care they need where and when they need it.  
Recognition of Extended Skills is a way to recognise the hard work you dedicate to developing your skills in response to patient/community need and your own area/s of focus and interest. It is open to RACGP Fellows who have developed extended skills and knowledge in specific interest areas. 

Recognition of Extended Skills is not a qualification or an award, but a process of recognising extended knowledge, skills, and experience.  

For further information please see the RES-FRACGP Applicant Handbook.

RACGP Specific Interests Provost and past Chair, Dr Lara Roeske, talks about RES-FRACGP


Acknowledging your specific interests

Recognition of Extended Skills is currently available in five interest areas. We hope to expand the offering in the future. To express your interest in an area for Recognition of Extended Skills not currently available please email

Allergy Coming soon

Addiction medicine

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Custodial Health – Coming soon



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Developmental disability


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Integrative medicine


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Obesity Management Coming soon

Psychological medicine


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Why should I apply?

  • Community: You can display evidence of this recognition in your practice and on your practice website, making  it easier for patients to find a GP who has the skills they are looking for, and know that their GP has a genuine interest in this area of healthcare. 
  • Business development: It will also help you attract new patients to your practice and give you a point of difference as a GP with a extended skill. 
  • Job satisfaction: It’s important to celebrate your career journey and take pride in your achievements, giving you a greater sense of job satisfaction and knowing that you are making a difference. 
  • CPD: The process of applying for recognition counts towards your annual CPD hours, helping you satisfy your annual requirements. 
  • Collegiality: Strengthen your connections with colleagues who share a common interest. 

Who is eligible to apply?

To apply you must: 

  • Be a current financial member in good standing with RACGP. 
  • Have received your RACGP Fellowship at least five years before applying. 
  • Hold the specialty of general practice on your medical registration with Ahpra. 
  • Have no restrictions on your practice. 
  • Have no current or pending investigations by Ahpra. 
  • Practice as a GP in Australia 

Recognition of Extended Skills

  Apply now 

Frequently asked questions

RES-FRACGP is formal acknowledgement of your extended skills, knowledge, and expertise in a specific area of general practice.  

Currently five specific interest areas are available for Recognition of Extended Skills: 

  • Addiction Medicine 
  • Dermatology 
  • Developmental Disability 
  • Integrative Medicine 
  • Psychological Medicine 

RES-FRACGP is not a formal qualification or an award. The RACGP does not hold Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) accreditation and therefore cannot issue a qualification or award for RES-FRACGP.  


You will receive recognition by the RACGP that demonstrates you have been assessed by a panel of your peers against a standard in your specific interest area.  

Your recognition is a statement that demonstrates your expertise for patients and other health professionals to see. 

To apply you must: 

  • Be a current financial member in good standing with RACGP 
  • Have received RACGP Fellowship at least five years before applying 
  • Be registered as a specialist general practitioner with Ahpra. 
  • Have no restrictions on their practice  
  • Have no current or pending investigations by Ahpra   
  • Practise as a GP in Australia. 


The cost is $1350 (incl. GST) which covers payment to our GP assessor panel as well as for administration staff, IT systems and maintenance of the program.  

Successful applicants will receive both an electronic and physical copy of their Statement of Recognition signed by the RACGP President. They will also receive a digital recognition kit which includes an email signature banner, images for use in social media, and images for their website.  

You will receive feedback from the assessment panel about your areas for further development. This will provide a guide for you to use if you would like to reapply at a later date.  

You will need to provide: 

  • a summary of your work history  
  • qualifications or educational activities with copies of certificates, diplomas, degrees etc  
  • a reviewing performance activity within the current triennium 
  • a measuring outcomes activity within the current triennium 
  • a response to a short answer question/s 
  • three case studies 

Please see the RES-FRACGP Applicant Handbook for more information.  

Please note that you do not need to complete new or additional CPD activities if you have already completed relevant CPD activities in the current triennium.  

We expect the application will take you approximately eight hours to complete. This is in addition to the measuring outcomes and reviewing performance activities which you will have completed as part of your annual CPD requirements. 

On submission of your application, you will receive eight reviewing performance CPD hours.   

Six to eight weeks. 

Your application will be assessed against the extended skills outcomes that map to your specific interest area. Extended skills outcomes are specific, measurable, and achievable statements about what an RACGP Fellow with an Extended Skill can do.  

All applications are assessed by a panel of GPs with a specific interest in the area in which you apply. All assessors have received Recognition of Extended Skills.

Please email to let us know the area in which you are interested in obtaining Recognition of Extended Skills  

Learn more

RACGP Specific Interests

Applicant Handbook

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