Timeline of key events

Page last updated 20 July 2021

Find out about our Rural Generalist Fellowship (FRACGP-RG) with our interactive timeline of key events.

  1. Professor Paul Worley appointed as first National Rural Health Commissioner

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  2. The Collingrove Agreement

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  3. Professor Worley announces the development of a National Rural Generalist Pathway

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  4. National Rural Generalist Taskforce established

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  5. National Rural Generalist Taskforce’s draft advice released

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  6. RACGP announces Rural Generalist Fellowship

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  7. Government funding announced

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  8. Rural Generalist Recognition Taskforce Established

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  9. Stage 1 joint-application was submitted to the Medical Board of Australia

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  10. The Medical Board of Australia sent advice

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  11. New Rural Health Commissioner, Assoc Professor Ruth Stewart appointed

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  12. Taskforce and AMC representatives meet to seek clarity on the AMC decision process and expectations

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  13. Additional advice report submitted to the MBA

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Contact RACGP Rural

1800 636 764 

