RACGP GP Research Project Noticeboard

Page last updated 23 September 2024

Participate in a research project

The RACGP supports GPs undertaking research that contributes to the knowledge base of the profession.If you are interested in participating in a research project or survey conducted by a member, please view the list of projects below.  Queries should be directed to the named contact person.

Submit a project

Please note: Projects advertised on this Noticeboard are not endorsed by the RACGP. Potential participants are encouraged to seek independent advice regarding the suitability of their participation in any research project.  Unless otherwise stated, the research projects listed here are not conducted by the RACGP, and the RACGP does not support or endorse the results of the research.  The project has been approved for inclusion on the website, however unless otherwise stated, this does not constitute ethics approval, endorsement or assessment of the quality of the project, survey or any publication arising from the project.

Research Projects

This study is part of a larger research project aiming to establish a comprehensive national quality monitoring program to promote the safe and effective use of medicines within residential aged care facilities. This element of the study aims to reach consensus on the key care domains, quality indicators and monitoring recommendations for pharmacist services delivered to Australian RACFs and to integrate these into a national quality framework. 

If you agree to participate in this study, you will be asked to partake in the 1st phase of the project and you may be invited to participate in the 2nd phase of the project:

Phase One (obtaining consensus): Complete in up to three rounds of online surveys. Each round of survey will take 1-2 hours to complete. The first-round questionnaire will present a list of statements about the key care domains and quality indicators for comprehensive delivery of pharmacist services and medication management in residential aged care facilities. Respondents will rate the statements on a clearly defined scale and provide de-identified free-text comments if they wish. Responses to the first-round survey will be collated and used to create a second-round survey. During the second (and potentially third round of survey), participants re-rate the second-round statements and provide further comments. We may need to add a third round of survey to obtain consensus.

During this phase, if required, we will convene a short online discussion to discuss any topics where consensus is highly variable or if a concept required further explanation.

Phase Two (drafting and refining the quality framework): Invited to participate in a multidisciplinary expert panel discussion workshop (which will run in-person and whole day – 9:30 am to 4 pm). The workshop session will involve a presentation from the research team of the findings gathered from Phase One and other elements of the overarching project, followed by a discussion. During the discussion, you’ll contribute your professional experience and expertise to collectively develop a draft of an evidence-based national quality indicator framework for the comprehensive delivery of onsite pharmacist services in residential aged care facilities.

Compensation offered: You will be offered an honorarium of $100 after completion of the 1st round and $150 for the completion of 2nd round of the Delphi study. If a 3rd round is needed, an additional $150 will be offered. Participants will be offered an $300 honorarium for attending a half-day workshop.

GP Investigator: Dr Malcolm Clark

Name of investigators: For more information please contact,

  • Associate Professor Janet Sluggett, Chief investigator
    • UniSA Allied Health & Human Performance, University of South Australia
    • Email: janet.sluggett@unisa.edu.au, Tel: (08) 81284055.
  • Dr Sara Javanparast, Senior Research Fellow
    • UniSA Allied Health & Human Performance, University of South Australia
    • Email: sara.javanparast@unisa.edu.au, Tel: (08) 83027041.

To trial a process that will reduce the delay in AD diagnosis by empowering GPs with blood-based biomarker testing capabilities. The findings of this study will provide valuable guidance on the use of blood-based biomarker testing for AD in primary care settings, impacting the preconditions and extent of GP access and use.  This research project aims to examine the level of understanding and attitudes to the diagnosis of dementia and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in general practice.

Geographic location the project wishes to recruit from: Victoria- Melbourne /north-eastern suburbs of Melbourne, plus Adelaide and Newcastle

Name of investigators: Professor Christopher Rowe Dr Stephanie Daly

Contact details: adnet-bbb@unimelb.edu.au

Survey link: https://tinyurl.com/ADNeTBBB

Brief Description of participants/practices sought: PART 1 of the project, Survey 1, educational webinar, Survey 2- any GP can participate within designated regions- Newcastle, Adelaide and Melbourne( north eastern suburbs) .

Commencement date of the project: 12/08/2024

Closing date for recruitment: 15/10/2024

Time involvement of participants: Taking part in this research study is optional, if you decide to take part in the research you will: Participate in a 15-minute survey completed twice; Participate in 45-minute online educational webinar. A link to the pre-recorded educational webinar will be provided at the end of the initial survey. Additionally, it will be sent via email along with the link for the second survey.

Compensation offered: For your participation in Part 1, you will be reimbursed a total of $330 at the completion of the educational material and two surveys. Reimbursement is limited to the first 200 participants and currently still available to a limited number of Melbourne General Practitioners. Each Practice that participates in Part 2 of the study may be eligible for up to $2500 set up fee plus individual reimbursement and CPD points.

Availability of CPD points: CPD points can be applied for the survey and educational webinar and there are opportunities for further research in this area within your practice (meets criteria for measuring outcomes and reviewing performance), for GPs progressing to Part 2 of the study.

The Menopause Priority Setting Partnership (MAPS) has been established to identify gaps in research, and ‘unanswered questions’ about menopause, as identified by people with lived experience, and healthcare professionals. Ultimately this process will identify the Top 10 priorities for future menopause research.

Survey link: https://obgyn.uchicago.edu/research/menopause-priority-setting-partnership

Details: In the 1st survey we collected questions and uncertainties that people with lived experience of menopause and professionals who care for them have about menopause. Approximately 1700 responses were received. Through a structured process in alignment with the JLA, we identified those question already answered by research and the remaining uncertainties were formulated into research questions.

For the 2nd survey, you are invited to select up to 10 questions that you think are the most important for future research.

The project’s aim is to develop an understanding of the needs of General Practitioners and General Practitioner Trainees specific to Occupational and Environmental Medicine. This information will assist us to facilitate further learning by production of teaching modules for the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP).

Study design: The study design will be a cross-sectional quantitative survey. The results will be used to understand the needs of the RACGP in further teaching and learning.

Geographic location the project wishes to recruit from: Australia-wide

Name of investigators: Dr Jasvin Josen - FRACGP, contact person Professor Karen Walker-Bone - Monash University, Dr Tessa Keegel - Monash University, Dr Vera Costa - Monash University

Contact details:
Professor Karen Walker-Bone Department of Centre of Occupational and Environmental Health
Phone: 99030582  Email: Karen.Walker-Bone@monash.edu
Investigator: Dr Jasvin Kaur Josen General Practitioner, jasvin.josen@monash.edu.au
Investigator: Dr Tessa Keegel, tessa.keegel@monash.edu
Investigator: Dr Vera Costa,  vera.costa@monash.edu

Brief Description of participants/practices sought: Participants Inclusion criteria: General Practitioners and General Practitioner Registrars Exclusion Criteria: General Practitioners who are also Occupational Physician Trainees

Commencement date of the project: 30/08/2024

Time involvement of participants: 5-10 minutes

Survey link: https://monash.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_42zlBGuza70GLAy


Geographic location the project wishes to recruit from: Australia-wide

Brief Description of participants/practices sought: 18 years or older and live in Australia?

A team of researchers and academics (University of South Australia, Monash University, University Medical Centre Groningen) would like your help in completing a brief survey that looks at healthcare professionals’ and consumers’ awareness of the Therapeutic Goods Administrations’ (TGA’s) Black Triangle Scheme and the influence of the scheme on their adverse medicine event reporting practices. With your help, the team hopes to uncover ways to improve medicine safety by enhancing adverse medicine event (medicine side effect) reporting to the TGA.

Survey link: https://tinyurl.com/black-triangle-tga 

Time involvement of participants: 10 minutes

Commencement date of the project: 30/08/2024

Dr Eyob Alemayehu Gebreyohannes (Eyob.Gebreyohannes@unisa.edu.au)

Dr Eyob Alemayehu Gebreyohannes
Dr Renly Lim (UniSA)
A/Prof Lisa Kalisch Ellett (UniSA)
Dr Christopher Thornton (UniSA)
Dr Myra Thiessen (Monash Uni)
Dr Sieta T de Vries (UMCG, Netherlands)
Mr Mohammed Gebre Dedefo (UniSA)
FRACGP Dr Oliver Frank (University of Adelaide)


Co-designing evidence-based resources to support decision-making regarding the safe and effective prescribing, monitoring and deprescribing of medications for the management of urinary incontinence for people living with dementia in RACFs

Monash University would like your help to develop new resources to support and empower people with dementia, their carers and healthcare professionals to make well-informed choices about medications for managing urinary incontinence. Your expertise will help inform an important body of work which may potentially improve clinical outcomes for this vulnerable patient group.

We want to develop these resources together with the individuals who will use the resources to ensure they are fit for purpose. We are currently recruiting healthcare professionals to participate in interviews or focus groups.

Brief Description of participants/practices sought:
Are you a healthcare professional with experience in caring for people who experience urinary incontinence and who are living with dementia? Do you prescribe, dispense or administer medications for urinary incontinence for people living with dementia?

Academic GP:  Dr Damian Marinucci

Contact details: Dr Amanda Cross, amanda.cross@monash.edu Phone 03 9903 9471

Commencement date of the project: 30/08/2024

Short description of the project and method:
e-HANDI (electronic Handbook of Non-Drug Interventions) is a web-based point-of-care tool to facilitate easier, practical prescribing of NDIs in primary care that has recently been iteratively co-designed by researchers and end-users. e-HANDI is an adapted version of the RACGP Handbook of Non-Drug Interventions. This study aims to test the feasibility and acceptability of e-HANDI in general practice.

Geographic location the project wishes to recruit from (State/Area):

Name of investigators:
Dr Alexandra Davidson (contact person), Assistant Professor Loai Albarqouni, Professor Paul Glasziou (GP)

Contact details:
Dr Alexandra Davidson adavidso@bond.edu.au

Brief Description of participants sought:
We are seeking GPs working in any FTE capacity in a primary care/GP clinic.

Time involvement:
This study will be conducted over 6-months. At baseline, 3- and 6-months, we will collect self-reported data regarding GPs’ use of NDIs. After baseline data collection, GPs will be given access to “e-HANDI” and trained to use the platform. GPs will be asked to practice as usual with the addition of the e-HANDI where appropriate. At the end of these 6-months, GPs will be required to complete a questionnaire and interview on the acceptability and feasibility of e-HANDI in practice. 

Compensation offered:
GPs will be provided with a $200 gift card as a thank you for their time.

Availability of CPD points:
Points can be self-logged.

Commencement date of the project:

Closing date for recruitment: :

Short description of the project and method:
Primary care providers are the coal face of BP management. However, care providers have limited time to undertake high-quality BP measurement in accordance with the guideline recommendations and a lack of resources to support to provide patient education. As a result, current practice is suboptimal, with poor BP control and may not be meeting patient needs. Our BP Toolkit co-designed in Study 1 will provide an evidence-based educational support package to support patients throughout BP management. To reach patients, the BP Toolkit will need to be integrated into settings where patient education is delivered such as primary care and/or where patients seek information from reputable sources.

This study (study 2) will map out the current model-of-care for BP management to identify strategies to support primary care practitioners in implementing and delivering the BP Toolkit in the primary care settings and routine workflow. Study 2 has 2 parts.

Part 1
Part 1 will be conducted via semi-structured interviews with primary healthcare practitioners GPs, registered nurses, community pharmacists to understand how the key features of BP management are achieved by primary care practitioners, including how patient education is delivered and how each setting contributes to team-based care. Interviews will run for up to 45 minutes, be 1-to-1 or in small groups of five and will be audio recorded, transcribed, and analysed.

Additionally, observations in some practice sites will be attended by 1-2 investigators to capture data about current practice, barriers and facilitators to BP monitoring and management in primary care settings and understand how the BP Toolkit can be incorporated into primary care settings. The interviews and observations will be led by researchers with content expertise on BP management and trained in qualitative research methods. Field notes will be made to document contextual factors that will assist in data analysis.

Part 2
Primary healthcare practitioners will be recruited to advise on implementation strategies and settings for the co-designed BP Toolkit (Study 1) within primary care, which address findings from interviews in Part 1. The prototype of the BP Toolkit used for pilot evaluation will be used for workshops with primary healthcare practitioners. Workshops will run for up to 90 minutes with up to 9 practitioners per workshop. Workshop facilitators will use discussion prompts to guide participants and voting/ranking tools such as Mentimeter, Zoom Polls or similar.

Action-learning workshop methodology will be used to present the co-designed BP Toolkit and develop optimal implementation strategies with primary care practitioners. Implementation strategies may include appropriate placement of the BP Toolkit within existing infrastructure and understanding of how practices could effectively deliver the BP Toolkit to patients. Action-learning style of facilitation adopts an iterative, open, reflective, and practical approach to explore needs, share challenges, and identify possible solutions to tackle real-world problems in clinical settings.

Geographic location the project wishes to recruit from:
Australia wide, focus in New South Wales

Brief Description of participants/practices sought:
Participants sought will be primary health care workers that are involved in blood pressure management of patients in primary health care settings. Particularly, we are seeking to recruit general practitioner's (GPs), Practice nurses and pharmacists. Participants must be currently practicing in a primary care practice which provides services for BP monitoring and management; be 18 years old and above; live in Australia and be willing to participate and provide consent.

Names of investigators:
Niamh Chapman, Kaylee Slater, Eleanor Clapham, Florence Lopez

Contact details: :
1. Niamh Chapman: niamh.chapman@sydney.edu.au; 0473464291
2. Kaylee Slater: kaylee.slater@sydney.edu.au; 0433763139
3. Eleanor Clapham: eleanor.clapham@utas.edu.au; 0400521286
4. Florence Lopez: florencemargaret.lopez@sydney.edu.au; 0451276416

Time involvement of participants::
One on one interview or small group interview: up to 45 mins Workshops: up to 90 mins

Compensation offered:
$120/hr for time commitment in the form of an e-gift card

Commencement date of the project:

Closing date for recruitment:

Availability of CPD points: :

Short description of the project and method:
This study aims to assess GP and GP trainee comfort with providing cancer survivorship care in adult cancer survivors.

You are invited to participate in an anonymous survey, led by Assoc Prof Carolyn Ee, Academic GP and Associate Professor (Cancer Survivorship and Primary Care) at the Caring Futures Institute, Flinders University.

The survey has been developed by a team of Australian and international GPs together with allied health and nursing researchers, including Assoc Prof Joel Rhee, Assoc Prof Kylie Vuong, and Dr Elysia Thornton-Benko. It has received ethics approval from Flinders University (7038, 11 July 2024).

Geographic location the project wishes to recruit from:
Australia wide

Compensation offered:
All participants are offered the chance to win one of three $100 gift vouchers of their choice.

Note: You can withdraw at any time without penalty and the survey is completely anonymous.

Link to survey:

Commencement date of the project:
6 August 2024

Time involvement:
The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.

Short description of the project and method:
Concussion awareness has gained increased attention within the scientific, media and general community. This is associated with the rise in concussion patients seeking community-based healthcare settings for treatment. This underscores the need for General Practitioners (GPs) to be well-versed in current concussion guidelines to optimise patient recovery outcomes.

We are conducting an anonymous survey to explore the community-level concussion care provided by GPs within Australia. The findings will help identify the need for additional educational tools or interventions to support GPs in concussion diagnosis and management. GPs have an increasing responsibility in diagnosing and treating concussions, therefore we are very interested in learning more about your experience in managing concussions.

Geographic location the project wishes to recruit from:

Survey link:

Commencement date of the project:
5 August 2024

Time involvement:
The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

Participants will have the chance to win an iPad Air worth ~ $1000

Short description of the project and method:
Perinatal genetic screening includes reproductive genetic carrier screening, combined first trimester screening, maternal serum screening, non-invasive prenatal testing, and newborn screening. You are invited to an interview or survey about your experience of discussing these tests with people from migrant and refugee backgrounds. The research will help identify ways to improve community screening experiences and support healthcare providers, including GPs, having discussions about screening.

Geographic location the project wishes to recruit from:
Victoria, Australia

Principal investigator:
A/Prof Alison Archibald

Co-Investigators: A/Prof Belinda McClaren, Dr Laura Biggs and A/Prof Sharon Lewis, Anaita Kanga-Parabia (PhD student)
GP advisor: Dr Lihini Samarawickrama

Contact details:
Register online at https://redcap.link/perinatalgeneticscreening ; or
Contact Anaita Kanga-Parabia by emailing anaita.kangaparabia@mcri.edu.au

Brief Description of participants/practices sought:

You are eligible to take part if:

  • You are a healthcare provider who has worked in Victoria in the last ten years; and
  • You discuss any of these tests with your patients: reproductive genetic carrier screening, combine first trimester screening, maternal serum screening, non-invasive prenatal testing, newborn screening.
Commencement date of the project:

Time involvement of participants:
Interview – around 60 minutes
Survey – around 20 minutes

Short description of the project and method:
Researchers of this study aim to understand the pain management options that providers currently offer to their patients when inserting IUDs. They are exploring what providers think about pain management options, and what allows or prevents them from providing pain management options to patients.

Researchers would like to talk with doctors and nurses who work in Victoria and have inserted at least one IUD since 2020 (outside of a training environment).

Geographic location the project wishes to recruit from:

Responsible Researcher:
Dr Jacqueline Coombe, jacqueline.coombe@unimelb.edu.au

Additional researchers:
Hannah Wood, Dr Henrietta Williams, Dr Cathy Watson, Ms Cassandra Caddy

Participation will involve a recorded online interview of approximately 30 minutes.  
Complete the expression of interest survey (approximately two minutes) here.

Short description of the project and method:
We present the opportunity for our fellow registrars and doctors with the RACGP to participate in this short (5-10 minute) online survey. Our goal is to ameliorate our understanding of the barriers to obesity treatment faced by you and your patients. This study is being conducted by the Nepean Clinical School Link to survey:

Geographic location the project wishes to recruit from:

Name of investigators/Contact person:
Hazer Khalifa (CONTACT PERSON), PhD Candidate, University of Sydney; Alison Poulton, Senior Lecturer in Paediatrics, Sydney Medical School Nepean; Lakshmi Gribble, FRACGP; A/Prof John Kramer, FRACGP; Vishal Verma, FRACGP; Jeffrey Kruk,FRACGP; Habib Bhurawala, A/Prof. Paediatrics, NBMLHD.

Contact details:
Hazer Khalifa, , hazer.khalifa@sydney.edu.au

Brief Description of participants/practices sought:  
General practitioners and registrars with RACGP membership

Commencement date of the project:

Time involvement of participants:
5-10 minutes.

This study has been approved by the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District Human Research Ethics Committee (ref 2022/ETH01346).

Short description of the project and method:

This study aims to examine the acceptability of PERSONA, a comprehensive breast and ovarian cancer risk assessment, inclusive of genomic testing, delivered through a shared care model between general practitioners and genetic counsellors. The results from this study will help us develop and design a cancer precision prevention intervention called PERSONA. We invite you to participate in an interview study about your views on this proposed intervention.

Geographic location the project wishes to recruit from:

Name of investigators/Contact person:
A/ Prof Laura Forrest, Dr Sibel Saya, A/Prof Stephanie Best, Ms Rebecca Purvis, Ms Sharne Limb, Dr Sandy Minck, Ms Cindy Schultz Ferguson, Ms Clare Brophy, Mr Sean Yaw

Time involvement of participants:
45 minutes for interview via zoom or telephone. With your permission, the interview will be audio recorded using a digital recording device.

Compensation offered:
You will be offered a $200AUD gift card at completion of an interview as remuneration for your time.

Contact details:
If you are interested in participating, please email the research team at persona@petermac.org

Brief Description of participants/practices sought:
Inclusion criteria: Currently working in a community-based practice as a GP & are Fellows of the RACGP
Exclusion criteria: Are employed as a GP exclusively in a non-primary care setting

Availability of CPD Points:
CPD hours can be claimed, Statement of attendance will be provided to all participants.

Commencement date of the project:

Short description of the project and method:

Women are at higher risk of developing oral health problems during menopause which can significantly affect their quality of life. However, very little is known about the current perceptions and practices of healthcare providers like General practitioners for the management of oral health for women in perimenopause/menopause. We invite you to participate in our study (interview) which aims to explore your experience regarding oral healthcare.

The interview will be conducted at a convenient time for you using either phone, online platforms like zoom, or face-to-face. The valuable information you provide will assist in the development of strategies to support future resources and training programs around oral health care and menopause. Participation is voluntary and the information you provide will be strictly confidential. If you would like to participate in the interview, click on the link to register your interest https://t.ly/3CoPJ

Compensation offered:
A Coles/Woolworths gift voucher will be given as reimbursement for the time in participation.

Geographic location the project wishes to recruit from:

Name of investigator:
Namitha Thomas

Contact details:
Australian Centre for Integration of Oral Health (ACIOH), Western Sydney university.
Email: 20628260@student.westernsydney.edu.au
Tel: +61 2 8738 9367

Brief Description of participants/practices sought.

Inclusion criteria: GP’s/PN’s registered through the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) who have experience in providing care for women in perimenopause/menopause. Residing in Australia English proficiency.
Exclusion criteria: Unable to provide consent. Unable to communicate in English.

Time involvement of participants:
Participation will involve a 20–30-minute interview.

Closing date for recruitment:

Short description of the project and method:

A GP choosing rural practice, considers the clinical work and from the practical side, they look at the characteristics of the job. This qualitative research, uses semi-structured interviews with Current, Previous or Potential rural GPs or GP-in-training to understand how job characteristics (agreements, responsibilities, rewards) influence choice of rural practice, focusing on experiences and perspectives of the doctor and the interplay between the characteristics, different rural contexts.

Contact details:
Anne Davis, (anne.davis@anu.edu.au ) 0417 438 423;
Kirsty Douglas, (kirsty.a.douglas@anu.edu.au )

Brief Description of participants/practices sought. Participants will be:

  • Current, Previous or Potential rural doctors
  • GPs or GP-in-training
  • Experienced or interested in rural practice MMM 3,4, or 5.
The Participant Information Statement details participant involvement:


Time involvement of participants:
45-60 minutes in interview Face to face or by Zoom

Compensation offered:
Prepaid credit card $165, equivalent to Medicare payment for 4 Level B consultations.

Geographic location the project wishes to recruit from (state):

Name of investigators/Contact person:
Professor Kirsty Douglas; Anne Davis, PhD candidate

Closing date for recruitment:

Short description of the project and method:

Will you be starting your patient on an antidepressant or considering switching to a different antidepressant? If so, this study may be of benefit to you and your patient.

The ALIGNED study is an investigator-initiated, randomised-controlled trial of pharmacogenomics-guided therapy versus standard care for people with moderate to severe depression. Pharmacogenomics (PG) is the study of how genetic variations affect an individual’s likely response to therapeutic medications.

Study participants are randomised to either the pharmacogenomics-guided intervention arm or a standard care (control) arm. The prescribing doctors (Participant’s treating clinician – i.e. GP/Psychiatrist) of all participants are provided with a treatment guide to inform prescription of antidepressant therapy. Prescribers in the intervention arm will receive a treatment guide informed by their patient’s pharmacogenomic analysis, whereas prescribers in the control arm will receive a treatment guide in line with best practice (not informed by their patient’s pharmacogenomics).

The ALIGNED study is double-blind, with both prescribing doctors and participants blinded to treatment allocation. Participants will be followed up for 12 weeks with assessments at Baseline, Week 6 and Week 12. At week 12 of the study, unblinding will take place, where both prescribing doctors and participants will be informed of treatment allocation. All prescribing doctors of participants will then receive a copy of the participant’s pharmacogenomic report issued by a NATA-accredited laboratory. The report contains pharmacogenomics information for psychotropic as well as other medications that can be used in the future.

The study is conducted remotely, whereby participant screening and assessments conducted via Videoconference/Phone calls. Participants are recruited from across Australia.

Study Website link:


Contact details:

Contact person for scientific queries: A/Prof Kathy Wu
Telephone: +61 2 8382 4899
Email: Kathy.wu@svha.org.au

Contact person for public queries: Dr Niru Wijesuriya
Telephone: +61 2 8052 4300
Email: nwijesuriya@georgeinstitute.org.au

Geographic location the project wishes to recruit from (State/Area):

All states in Australia

Brief Description of participants/practices sought:
Inclusion criteria:
  • Aged between 18 and 80 years (inclusive)
  • Sufficiently fluent in English
  • Diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, either first-episode or relapsed, on the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM- 5) Mini criteria
  • Person in whom antidepressants are indicated based on the current ANZ guideline but are yet to be initiated during current episode OR planning to switch antidepressant treatment in current episode
  • Willing and able to consent to participate in the study
Exclusion criteria:
  • Intellectual impairment or dementia limiting capacity to provide informed consent
  • Current history of hepatic or renal failure confounding drug metabolism
  • Contraindication, including hypersensitivity (e.g. anaphylaxis), to SSRI, SNRI, mirtazapine and moclobemide.
  • Pregnant or breast-feeding.
Time involvement of GPs and/or practice staff, and/or patients:

Study participants will attend 4 remote (telephone or videoconference) study sessions with the ALIGNED study coordinator, carried out over 12 weeks. Participants will be required to see their treating clinician for initiation of antidepressant therapy and to attend routine follow-up visits with their GP as per standard practice to monitor their treatment response.

Availability of CPD points:

A statement of attendance will be provided to all attendees, which attendees could use to self-claim CPD hours

Name of investigators.

Lead Investigator: Associate Professor Kathy Wu, St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, Australia
Principal Investigator: Professor Paul Fitzgerald, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Principal Investigator: Professor Anthony Rodgers, The George Institute for Global Health, Australia
Principal Investigator: Professor Sean Hood, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Principal Investigator: Professor Anthony Harris, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
GP Principal Investigator: Professor Tim Usherwood, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
GP Principal Investigator: Dr Jacquie Garton-Smith, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Australia

Clinical trial registration if applicable:


Closing date for recruitment:


The study is a phase II, randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind multi-centre clinical trial held in Perth (Curtin University, lead site), Hobart (Wicking Dementia Centre, University of Tasmania; launching late January-February 2024) and Adelaide (CALHN Memory Clinic; The Queen Elizabeth Hospital; anticipated to launch in April-May 2024). The target cohort is participants with mild cognitive impairment and mild-to-moderate dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Participants will be recruited and randomised (1:1) to a 104-week intervention consisting of placebo induction for 2 weeks followed by 102 weeks of probucol (Lorelco) or placebo. The primary outcome is change in cognitive performance determined via the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scales-Cognitive Subscale test between baseline and 104 weeks. Secondary outcomes measures will be the change in brain structure and function, cerebral amyloid load, quality of life, and the safety and tolerability of Lorelco, after a 104-week intervention.

Probucol is a historic and safe cholesterol lowering drug, clinically used in Japan since 1985, with potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Probucol was also shown to profoundly attenuate dietary induced synthesis and secretion of lipoprotein-Aβ concomitant with cerebral capillary integrity sparing. In a dietary-induced diabetic murine model, probucol was also found to support hippocampal-dependent memory recall. The pleiotropic properties of probucol and significant clinical use experience justifies considering repurposing probucol to test efficacy in supporting cognitive function in patients with AD.

Geographic location the project wishes to recruit from:
  • Perth, WA (lead site, Curtin University)
  • Hobart, Tasmania (Wicking Dementia Centre, University of Tasmania)
  • Adelaide, South Australia (CALHN Memory Clinic; The Queen Elizabeth Hospital)

Names of investigators:
Principle Investigator: A/Professor Roger Clarnette
CPI: Professor John Mamo (Perth)
CPI: A/Professor Jane Alty (Hobart)
CPI: Professor Cathy Short (Adelaide)
Professor Gerald Watts
Professor Roslyn Francis
Professor Leon Flicker
A/Professor Michael Bynevelt
Dr Carolyn Orr
Dr Poh Lok
Professor Chris Reid
Professor Jonathan Foster
Professor Satvinder Dhaliwal
Professor Suzanna Robinson
A/Professor Ryu Takechi
Dr Virginie Lam
Dr Gill Cowen (GP investigator)
Dr Dan Xu (GP investigator)

Contact details:
Professor John Mamo

Description of participants/practices:
Key Inclusion Criteria
  • Cognitive impairment that may be due to AD (no formal diagnosis required)
  • Between 18-84 years of age
  • If known, a mini mental state exam (MMSE) of at least 20/30
Key Exclusion Criteria
  • Myocardial infarction within 6 months, symptomatic heart failure, unstable angina, unstable atrial fibrillation
  • Diagnosis of cancer and/or chemotherapy within past 3 years
  • No significant head injury within the last 5 years that has significantly affected cognitive function
  • No evidence of stroke that has significantly affected cognitive function

Commencement date of the project: In progress (started December 2021)

Closing date for recruitment: December 2024

Time involvement of GPs practice staff, and patients:
  • Referrals from GPs
  • Acquisition of medical records from practice staff
  • Patients: 14 study visits at study site over 2 years (i.e. medical assessments; 3-monthly blood sampling; cognitive assessments every 26 weeks); brain scans at start and end of study

Clinical trial registration if applicable: ACTRN12621000726853
AtheroSclerotic Cardiovascular disEase Risk assessmenT and treAtment In AustraliaN primary care (VICTORION-ASCERTAIN: Implementation Study) is a 2-arm multicentre, randomized, open-label study to evaluate the implementation and utility of a new model of care in participants with ASCVD or ASCVD-risk equivalents and elevated LDL-C using a primary care model. GPs are invited to participate if (a) they have an interest in participating in this clinical trial; and (b) if their medical records are being managed by MedicalDirector Software; (c) able to recruit 30 patients.

Geographic location the project wishes to recruit from: Australia-wide

Brief Description of participants/practices sought: The study will include male and female participants ≥18 years of age with a history of ASCVD or ASCVD-risk equivalents who have elevated LDL-C (≥1.8 mmol/L). A total of approximately 600 participants will be included in the study across approximately 20 sites.

Names of investigators:
Chief Investigator: Stephen Nicholls, MBBS, PhD
Contact person: Raeda Mustafa, Project Manager

Contact details:
Raeda Mustafa Primary email address: raeda.mustafa@monash.edu
Secondary email address: ascertain.study@monash.edu

GP Investigator: Dr Anita Munoz

Closing date for recruitment: 30 September 2024

The ‘ScreenEQUAL’ study wants to make it easier for people with intellectual disability to have a cervical screening test, and to have a positive experience with the test.

This video explains the ScreenEQUAL Project in an accessible way, please click on the video to watch.
ScreenEQUAL: Finding ways to improve cervical screening for people with intellectual disability - YouTube

We want to talk with:

  • people with intellectual disability
  • their families
  • support people (paid and unpaid)
  • managers and leaders in disability organisations
  • health professionals (GPs, nurses)

We will talk with you:

  • for about an hour
  • online (e.g., Zoom), over the phone, or in-person – you choose!
  • about ways to improve cervical screening for people with intellectual disability
  • we will keep what you tell us private.

Commencement date of the project:

17 August 2023

Contact details:

Lauren Winkler, Study Coordinator

Deborah Bateson, Chief Investigator

The ScreenEQUAL study is based at the Daffodil Centre, a joint venture between the Cancer Council NSW and the University of Sydney, in partnership with the University of Western Sydney, UNSW Sydney, and Family Planning Australia.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a leading cause of death in Australia and frequently occurs in the context of multiple long-term conditions or multimorbidity. The Activating Primary Care COPD Patients with Multimorbidity (APCOM) Trial is a randomized controlled clinical trial that aims to test a personalised self-management support program, to be delivered by Practice Nurses to patients with COPD and other long-term health conditions.

The trial will evaluate whether this program is effective in improving quality of life, increasing patient knowledge of COPD and can be effectively implemented in primary care.
The APCOM Trial is being conducted by Bond University, UNSW Sydney, University of Queensland, Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, University of Wollongong Australia and University of Sydney in collaboration with Lung Foundation Australia, Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

Geographic location:

Contact Person:
Dr Sameera Ansari, email: sameera.ansari@unsw.edu.au

Lead Investigator:
Professor Nick Zwar, email: nzwar@bond.edu.au


Brief Description of participants/practices sought:
Seeking general practice clinics that have at least one practice nurse, and eight patients with COPD and one other chronic condition.

Closing date for recruitment:
Recruitment closing date for practices: 31st October 2023
Recruitment closing date for patients: 31st December 2023

Compensation offered:

  • All participating practices will be provided a token amount of $1000 each for staff time to undertake a medical record search and invite eligible patients.
  • A $200 gift voucher will be provided to a practice champion, nominated by the practice team, who will be the main focal point for the study.
  • Practices in the intervention group will receive $60/hour for the PN’s time towards training and delivering the self-management program.
  • All participating patients will receive a $100 shopping voucher each towards completing the study questionnaires at 3 timepoints throughout the duration of the trial.
Availability of CPD points:
PNs and GPs from all participating practices can claim CPD hours for their involvement in the trial.

Time involvement:
GPs: GPs in the intervention arm will be required to participate in a joint webinar with PNs to discuss implementation of the self-management program in their practice, to ensure coordination and collaboration in the practice team.
Practice Staff: PNs in the intervention arm will be required to: i) Attend a training workshop about the study and the self-management program, iii) Tailor and deliver the program to patients in the intervention arm in five personalised health coaching sessions, and iii) Make monthly follow-up phone calls to the patients for three months following completion of the program. The Practice Invitation Letter and PN Information Sheet are attached.
Patients: Patients in the intervention arm will be required to participate in five one-to-one health coaching sessions with their PN. The sessions will be of about 45-minute duration each and spaced three weeks apart, and can be conducted virtually or at the practice.

This cluster trial will compare two ways of prescribing analgesia, including opioids, for patients with low back pain. The first offers patients pain relief options such as heat wrap in addition to opioids, and the second is usual care.

Patients with low back pain will be eligible when the study GP considers it appropriate to prescribe an opioid medicine for back pain at the study visit.

Our team hope to recruit 410 patient-participants (205 per arm) from at least 40 participating general practices in urban, and regional/remote/very remote locations across NSW.

The study team will be in regular contact with study GPs throughout the trial to provide support, discuss trial progress, conduct refresher training and any follow-up questionnaires.

Geographic location the project wishes to recruit from:
New South Wales. Noting if targets are not met within NSW, recruitment may be extended nationally.  

Principal investigator:
Dr Christina Abdel Shaheed  

Co- investigators:
Professor Chris Maher
A/Professor Rowena Ivers (GP)
Professor Andrew McLachlan
Professor Fiona Blyth
Professor Louisa Degenhardt
Dr Thomas Lung
Associate Professor Patrick Kelly
A/Professor Fiona Stanaway
Dr Rachel Thompson
Associate Investigators:
Dr Sharon Reid (GP)
Dr Michael Wright (GP)
Professor Bradley Martin
Rawa Osman
Carol Bennett
Jarrod McMaugh
Gabrielle Campbell
Professor Kirsten McCaffery
Dr Hazel Jenkins
Professor Simon French
Dr Stephanie Mathieson

Compensation offered:
  • $100 per patient enrolled
  • $30 for patient screening
  • $100 for training visit
  • $100 for interview (if assigned to intervention)
GP inclusion criteria:
  • Consult with patients who have LBP.
  • Has no prescribing restrictions, that is, eligible to prescribe an opioid analgesic (including schedule 8 opioid analgesics).
  • Consent to researchers gaining access to their prescribing data.
GP exclusion criteria:
  • Participating GPs at that practice has received an education visit by any organisation on judicious opioid prescribing in the previous 12 months.
*GP Clinics must have one practising GP registered with APHRA.

Patient inclusion criteria:
  • Adults (≥18 years)
  • Low back pain of any duration at the time of presentation
  • Has been prescribed an opioid analgesic for LBP by the participating GP.
  • Sufficient understanding of English to complete questionnaires, or translation available.
  • Holds an Australian Medicare card number (for data linkage purposes).
  • Willingness to give written informed consent to participate in the trial and grant researchers access to their Medicare/Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and other trial-related data.
Patient exclusion criteria:
  • Children (<18 years)
  • Engaged in an opioid tapering regimen at the time of enrolment into the study i.e., have already begun to reduce their opioid medicine within the past month
  • Be actively treated for cancer or receiving palliative treatment.
Commencement date of the project:
April 2022

Closing date for recruitment:
March 2026

Time involvement:
GPs: Till recruitment target is met (12-15 patient-participants). If participating in an interview GPs will be followed up for up to 16 weeks after target is met.
Patient Participant: One year period.

Availability of CPD points:
Yet to be determined.

Contact details:
If you are interested in participating, please email the Project manager or Clinical Trials Assistant.

Lisa Vizza | Project Manager | lisa.vizza@sydney.edu.au
Sarah Diprose | Clinical Trials Assistant | sarah.diprose@sydney.edu.au
Rowena Ivers| Co-Investigator and General Practictioner| rivers@uow.edu.au

The START trial is a NHMRC-funded community-based clinical trial that will evaluate the comparative effects of the Sodium Glucose Co-Transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor dapagliflozin compared to metformin, on annual decline in eGFR, when used as first-line therapy in people with type 2 diabetes.

The intervention will be evaluated by a pragmatic, multi-centre, double-blind, randomised trial involving at least 60 primary health care practices across NSW, VIC and QLD. The sample size of 994 participants (497 intervention and 497 control groups) will detect a difference in eGRF slope between dapagliflozin and metformin over a 24-month period. Changes in urine albumin creatinine ratio, serum creatinine, HbA1c, fasting blood glucose, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, body weight, quality of life and anxiety and depression will be monitored.

Geographic location the project wishes to recruit from (State/Area):

Sydney and surrounds, Melbourne and surrounds, Brisbane and surrounds, regional NSW, VIC, QLD

Name of investigators/Contact person.

Lead Investigator: Professor Bruce Neal, The George Institute for Global Health, Sydney, Australia
Principal Investigator: Associate Professor Clare Arnott, The George Institute for Global Health, Australia
Principal Investigator: Professor Sophia Zoungas, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
GP Principal Investigator: Professor Tim Usherwood, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Contact details:

Dr Lauren Houston, The George Institute for Global Health, Sydney, Australia.
Telephone: +61 2 8052 4343
Email: START-trial@georgeinstitute.org.au

Brief Description of participants/practices sought (inclusion and exclusion criteria, or a hyperlink to this):

GP Practices based in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and their surrounds who can assist START trial staff to identify potentially eligible participants from their GP Practice who meet the following eligibility criteria:

Inclusion criteria:
  • Diagnosis of type 2 diabetes;
  • Aged ≥18 years;
  • Body mass index > 18.5 kg/m2;
  • Drug naïve, or managed with metformin monotherapy and willing to be randomised;
  • eGFR ≥30 ml/min/1.73m2; and
  • Signed informed consent.
Exclusion criteria:
  • Immediate need for rapid intensification of glucose lowering therapy due to marked hyperglycaemia;
  • There is a definite indication for, or contraindication to, either metformin or SGLT2 inhibitor;
  • Established coronary artery disease or heart failure; or
  • Pregnant or breast-feeding.
Commencement date of the project: 20 June 2022 Closing date for recruitment: 30 June 2025, depending on the rate of recruitment. Time involvement of GPs and/or practice staff, and/or patients:

The role of your GP practice in the START Trial is minimal. The GP practice/GPs main trial responsibilities include assisting START trial staff to identify potential participants and to confirm their patients are suitable to participate in the START trial. Trial participants will attend follow-up visits every 16-20 weeks: four face-to-face and five telephone or video conference visits over a period of approximately 2 years.

Compensation offered:

$150 per randomised participant to support administrative costs at GP Practice.

Availability of CPD points:

GPs can self-record their participation in START as a GP Co-Investigator under a Professional Leadership Activity and claim CPD hours.

