Prescribing drugs of dependence in general practice

Part A - Clinical Governance Framework

Appendix I. Resources

Last revised: 07 Nov 2019

  • Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) – These state- and territory-based services offer information, advice, referral, intake, assessment and support 24 hours a day. They offer services for individuals, their family and friends, GPs, other health professionals and business and community groups.
  • Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service (DACAS) – DACAS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and provides clinical advice to health professionals in Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and the Northern Territory, about the management of patients and clients with alcohol and other drug problems.
  • Drug and alcohol Specialist Advisory Service (DASAS) – DASAS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and provides patient management advice for health professionals treating those with drug and alcohol problems. It is part of the St Vincent’s Hospital Alcohol and Drug Service in Sydney and services NSW.

Alcohol and Drug Information Service (for public and health professionals)

24-hour Clinical Advisory Services (for GPs and other health professionals)

ACT Alcohol and Drug services
02 6207 9977

03 9418 1082

Alcohol and Drug Information Service (for public and health professionals)

24-hour Clinical Advisory Services (for GPs and other health professionals)

St Vincent’s Hospital Alcohol and Drug Service
02 9361 8000 (Sydney)
1800 422 599 (Rural)

02 9361 8006 (Sydney)
1800 023 687 (Rural)

Alcohol and Drug Information Service (for public and health professionals)

24-hour Clinical Advisory Services (for GPs and other health professionals)

Northern Territory Alcohol and Drug resources
08 8922 8399 (Darwin)
08 8951 7580 (Alice Springs)
1800 131 350 (Rural)

1800 111 092

Alcohol and Drug Information Service (for public and health professionals)

24-hour Clinical Advisory Services (for GPs and other health professionals)

Queensland Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs
1800 177 833 (all QLD)

GPs can phone ADIS and be put through to ATODS for clinical advice

Alcohol and Drug Information Service (for public and health professionals)

24-hour Clinical Advisory Services (for GPs and other health professionals)

Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia (8.30 am – 10.00 pm) 1300 131 340 (all SA)
08 8363 8618 (interstate callers)

08 8363 8633

Alcohol and Drug Information Service (for public and health professionals)

24-hour Clinical Advisory Services (for GPs and other health professionals)

Alcohol and Drug services in Tasmania
1800 811 994 (Rural)
03 9416 1818 (Hobart)

1800 630 093

Alcohol and Drug Information Service (for public and health professionals)

24-hour Clinical Advisory Services (for GPs and other health professionals)

Drugs and Alcohol services in Victoria

Clinical advisory service Family Drug Helpline
1300 660 068
Information, support & counselling, trained volunteers who have supported a family member with a drug problem
DirectLine 1800 888 236
Referral service Drug Info Clearinghouse
1300 858 584
Youth Drug and Alcohol Advice (YoDAA)
1800 458 685
Youth drug and alcohol workers. This number also accesses YSAS

Alcohol and Drug Information Service (for public and health professionals)

24-hour Clinical Advisory Services (for GPs and other health professionals)

08 9442 5000 (Perth)
1800 198 024 (Rural)
Drug and Alcohol office in Western Australia
Parent Drug Information Service (PDIS)
Perth: 08 9442 5050
Regional: 1800 653 203

CAS 08 9442 5042

