Need support?


Crisis support
Call 13YARN on 13 92 76 (24 hours/7 days) to talk with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Crisis Support worker. This crisis line is run by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It is a free and confidential service.

Mental health support
Contact your local ACCHO, AMS, GP, or SEWB service. Visit NACCHO for a map of Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations, or see here for a list of services.
Mental health, wellbeing, and social and emotional wellbeing resources
Visit Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Australia, the peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional wellbeing, mental health, and suicide prevention, and the Healing Foundation, an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation promoting trauma-aware, healing-informed practice.
Resources to support others
Mob want to be there to support each other. Getting support from people with lived experience is valuable to ensure the care you receive is culturally safe. See the Stronger Together webpage by R U OK for stories and practical tips to empower you to support others.
Self-care resources
The Healing Foundation has outlined some tips for looking after yourself and keeping your family and community strong.
Resources for service providers
See WellMob for online resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander frontline health and wellbeing workers, with a focus on social and emotional wellbeing



